★ Earth's Mightiest Heroes ★ Application Form

 That man is playing Galaga! Thought we wouldn't notice, but we did. 

Applicant: username 

Activity: 1-10 

Profile Link: www.asianfanfics.com

Nickname(s): besties, perhaps?

I'm also a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster. 

Character Name: first, last

Superhero Name: undeclared, if you want

Ethnicity: where they hold citizenship/otherworldly creature

Birthdate/Age: month.day.year/international

Faceclaim: name of ulzzang/model/actor-actress

Links: 1 2 3 4

Backup Faceclaim: because you never know

Links: 1 2 3 4

Personality: as long/short as you want

Superpowers: strengths/weaknesses go here

Background: past history that's important/scarring/inspirational

 Doth mother know you weareth her drapes? 

Partner's Name: first, last

Superhero Name: part of team/avengers/x-men

Ethnicity: citizenship/domain

Faceclaim: group/solo/actor

Links: 1 2 3 4

Personality: fill if you want, if you are not claiming avenger/x-men

Superpowers: again, fill as needed

Background: this is interesting. if you are choosing avenger/x-men, what parts do you want me to keepor take out?

 You might have missed a few things you know... doing time as a Capsicle. 

Relationship with Partner: ongoing/rivalry-turned-love/friendzoned/etc

Password: absolutely necessary

Suggestions/Comments/Questions: this space cannot be left empty, you must suggest something or leave a comment/question


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I'm sorry it took so long my dear