Too Many Ideas

I have too many ideas and story plots stored in my com now. While it's possible to post them all out, it will mean that I will have diverted attention to my stories.


I guess I am too systematic. I go step by step.

Just like when I write, I make sure I am two chapters ahead what I post.

Just like I think it would be better to complete a story before starting on the next. 

Just like how I am having two uncompleted story on my list makes me worried about its progress.

I shouldn't have continued that story. I shouldn't have continued something I have completed.

Because I am a systematic person.


But then again, I am writing a fanfic, I am not a real author.

People in the community likes story plots more than story development.

So what's the big deal with with having multiple stories?

The authors I like have multiple stories too. They never updated since a year ago, while another gets updated frequently.


I guess... I am too systematic for this community...

Too much for my own good.

Too much to make myself feel really out of place...




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