Exo are not who we think they are??

Ok, so recently i came across a blog all about how Exo are not who we think they are. Choose to believe it if you want, but i believe that it's the bigggest lie i have ever read.



Suho - It’s not so true that he’s an /douchebag, but he does not have any close friends in EXO. Before in trainee life he trained for quite a while so he considered himself above the others. That is why he also gained leader status, because of past experience. But the other members do not respect his experience that much, because he is not really admirable. He did not debut for a while because he was not ready by the company’s judgement, so they see him as more of a failure than experienced. The relationship between Kris is mutual respect, not friendship, and only since EXO was formed. As for dating, he has dated within SM a lot. Many of his girlfriends have since left SM or their career didn’t work out for them. He had plastic surgery.


Kai - It’s not true anymore that no one in EXO gets along with Kai, but around the time of this year until debut, maybe. It’s because Kai got too much attention and the other members felt like they were in the shadow. Also Kai used his friendship with Taemin for status. Taemin/Kai is not just PR friendship as they really are friends since before but since EXO debuted they have not been in contact mostly at all. For most of the other trainees there is a big wall between trainee and debuted idol so many of them were jealous of his ability to do that. Since debut Kai’s popularity has gone down so it has humbled him to the other members, truthfully. Many people said Kai has a girlfriend after debut, but he does not. He had a noona girlfriend before debut, but he has had a lot of girlfriends anyway. At his age it’s not serious.


D.O - His relationship to the other members is more professional, not friends. He is friendly to staff and such, but he is a private person. Truthfully, he does not get along with everyone. The furthest distance is Chanyeol/Baekhyun, I have seen him be annoyed by them quickly many times. He thought he would be chosen for EXO-M and was surprised when Chen was chosen instead. When he thought that he would be chosen for EXO-M his attitude was good and he was prepared to have a life overseas. His dating life is very private, he keeps it to himself and does not let everyone know what is going on. He has a private circle of neighborhood friends and he still puts them above everything.


Chanyeol - I want to say to his fans to believe what you want. For me, I don’t like him. He makes life very difficult for all staff because he does not behave well. In life, he thinks everything is a joke. He’s very immature. And he is two-faced! There is one member who he really admires, of course, it’s Kris. When he’s around Kris he acts so different, like a good child. (Actually, many of the EXO members admire Kris). When Kris is not around he becomes the bad child again. I can’t say how I know, but he is racist AND homophobic as well. He really thinks homophobic jokes are funny. As for dating, he did date a trainee everyone knows about, but he cheated on her before. His type is the voluptuous club girl with y clothes. He had a lot of plastic surgery.


Baekhyun - He is also not nice. He’s so two-faced, who you see on TV is not the real Baekhyun. He gets along with Chanyeol so well because they are the same type, so immature and think everything is a joke. Baekhyun is the coldest to the Chinese trainees, even more than Chanyeol. He is not really close to Tao like they say. He felt sorry for Xiu Min and Chen when they were chosen for EXO-M and to leave Korea, but happy that it wasn’t him. He really looks at Chinese as lesser than Korean. As for dating, he says he likes the cute type but it’s not true, he likes y, well-endowed in the right place type of girls. Between Baekhyun/Chanyeol is a wall between the other members. No one will challenge them because they really gained a lot of popularity since debut and so they help promote EXO. On screen, their personalities are the strongest, but off screen it becomes annoying.


Sehun - I know, everyone is thinking of Lu Han, but it is not true that Sehun is in romantic love with Lu Han. During trainee days, Sehun did not have many friends. Lu Han was the first true friend he made in the company, and Sehun becomes clingy to friends easily. Behind the scenes, he is not easy to get along with. Not because he is mean. He doesn’t read the atmosphere very well and he is the most difficult case to make camera-ready because his answers are so short and he is always disinterested. The company noticed Sehun and Lu Han’s friendship and used that to film the joint teaser. This is the type of thing the company will watch for, which quality they can emphasize to gain public interest. Since debut, Sehun and Lu Han do not talk as much and Lu Han already made different friends in EXO-M, but Sehun is not very outgoing so he is still a little bit alone, even though he is not disliked. As for dating, he has not had a serious relationship beyond girls in school. I do not think he ever dated within SM.


Kris - Kris is a private person. When he first joined SM as a trainee, he was very motivated and wanted to learn everything, like a child. But he was told before directly by staff that he wasn’t good at anything, even up to this year. He thought he wouldn’t debut at one point, but he was too scared to quit the company because of the debt he incurred as a trainee would be hard on his family to pay back. I think for him, middle of 2009 is the lowest point in his life. In the past, he had depression and low self-esteem. Even though now he is a celebrity, he has not forgotten that time. He did not start out that way but until the time of EXO’s debut, he became a very wise, empathetic person. Sorry if you want to hear bad things about him but he did not do anything bad. Most of his bad points are within himself. This is why the other members really look up to him like an ideal type of guy they want to become. It’s not true that he thought he would join EXO-K, actually I do not think he ever considered not being chosen for EXO-M. When EXO is 12, he is the leader. As for dating, yes he had a girlfriend, but sorry I can’t tell more. The girl idols who were cold to him when he was a trainee, you can see which ones they are by the way he looks at them now.


Lay - Lay was a trainee for a long time but he was treated more highly than Kris because of his dance skill, but not equal to the Korean trainees still because he is Chinese and that is considered lower by the other trainees and staff. Lay and Kris are only somewhat close even after knowing each other 4 years, but Lay had the advantage as a trainee whereas Kris was a low trainee and they did not really become very close. Lay became closer to other trainees. When he danced for SHINee, he looked at them as a fan who got to go on stage with their idol, not like a professional from the same company. Lay became closer to Lu Han because Lu Han was also a more advanced trainee than the low trainees (but still under Koreans). Lay is very tied to Chinese culture, but at one point he did want to debut in Korea instead, because Kpop is so popular and the entertainment scene in China is very structured and more humble. As for dating, he dated a Chinese girl for a long time and maintained a long distance relationship. He never dated a Korean girl, or if he did it was not significant.


Lu Han - There are many things I want to fix besides Sehun. He was not a JYP trainee, also he did not join SM in 2008. He came to Korea to become a trainee, yes, but he was stopped by his parents. His parents do oppose him being a celebrity but he will always save face for them and he would never admit it. He is not a bad person, but he did lie to his parents about why he wanted to come to Korea. That’s why they called him back home. He returned to Korea in 2010 and that’s when he became a trainee. He went through regular auditions like anyone else. I know there is some “evidence” to show he was a trainee since 2008 but it’s not true that he was waiting because of SM. SM does not extend enough to make someone wait 2 years to be a trainee. If you are not available at the time then you aren’t a trainee. He does make friends easily, but he is always especially nice to the person who has the most trouble fitting in, like Sehun in Korea or Xiu Min in China. He can’t stand to see someone left out or ostracized. He is also close to Lay, but not in the same way. They are truly just like bros. Lu Han really admires Kris, even though he does not show it on screen. As for dating, you couldn’t believe it with his face but he is always being dumped. He says he likes quiet and calm girls, but from what I have seen, it’s actually the opposite. He will be attracted to girls others would consider challenging. It is true that he almost had plastic surgery on his nose.

Oh, I want to say one thing about the scars on his face. It’s from a fight. He is not violent himself but he does end up as the victim of fights, because he is small and an easy target. The fight was very cold, because the other guy purposefully wanted to mess up his face. And it’s not true he wasn’t bullied as a trainee. In fact, other trainees did harass him sometimes. He blames lots of things on himself, which is sad.


Tao - It is true that many of the trainees didn’t like Tao. Tao is confident in himself, but he is also so warm and nice that it was sad to watch. Before EXO, out of all the trainees Kris and Tao were considered the lowest. Lu Han and Lay were above them, and then the Koreans above Lu Han and Lay. So, they are especially close, although after debut now that they are all equals their relationships are changing a little. Also, it is not true that Tao smokes or drinks, it’s the opposite. He treats his body very well because of his martial arts practice. When he first became a trainee, he would always buy Starbucks, because in China to drink Starbucks is a luxury, but now that has worn off. Tao comes from a commoner family so he was the most dazzled by celebrity life.

I forgot to say that part: Tao comes from a commoner family (middle lower class by Chinese standards which would be low class by American standards), Kris comes from a family that was poor in the past, and Lu Han comes from a wealthy family. Kris and Tao send any money they get back home. Lu Han does not. He does not talk about his family life much so I don’t know why.


Xiu Min - I feel like he is okay now, but in the past he was very depressed about being chosen for EXO-M. Among the Korean trainees, he started out high but dropped to very low. Many people thought he wouldn’t be a good type for an idol. He was chosen for EXO because he began to work really hard and show he would not quit. Everyone is very sensitive towards him because of his anxieties. Oh, and it’s not because he doesn’t like China, actually he was one of the closest Korean trainees to the Chinese trainees and did not think of them as lower. Because the team comforted him he feels better now, but he still wishes he was not viewed as lower than the Chinese members by the media. As for dating, I think he has the least experience out of all the EXO members.


Chen - Chen also did not feel happy at first with being chosen for EXO-M, but it was his only choice to debut as an idol, or else leave SM. Chen was not as close to the Chinese trainees before debut so he is more distant from them than Xiu Min. Chen really admires Kris a lot, and so they became a little closer, but Kris still remembers the time when he was a low trainee and the Korean trainees didn’t look at him seriously, so it’s a little difficult. Chen did not bully them, though. He joined late so he didn’t have a history, it’s just that he became with the Korean trainees quickly. When he was chosen for EXO-M, the Korean trainees didn’t talk to him as much. The debut period was the hardest on him, and he covered up a lot. He’s much more comfortable now. As for dating, he had a long-term girlfriend who he broke up with when he became confirmed for EXO. He had her picture set on his KaKao ID up until debut. I don’t think there are any remaining feelings now.

All of them got skin treatments before debut. Kris and Lu Han had their teeth fixed. Chanyeol and Suho had plastic surgery. The company asked Lay to have plastic surgery but he really felt strongly against it. In EXO-K, all of the members come from lower to upper middle class families. The wealthiest member of EXO-M is Lu Han of course. He will always treat the others though and he doesn’t like to talk about money. And he doesn’t have much interest in designer clothes and things besides accessories. Actually before debut, Lu Han was a fashion black hole. Tao is interested in designer things, not just Gucci but he likes luxury brands. EXO cannot yet afford these things so he will have to wait a little while longer. Chanyeol is also interested in designer things, but more like street or hip hop fashion. He buys many of his own clothes that you can see him wearing even in MVs.

The group is not “OT12” and they are pretty comfortable in their own teams. The Chinese members do check the internet for comments about them, but the Korean members don’t. Besides Taemin and Kai, none of the EXO members were really close to any debuted idols. Kris became close to Amber because of SMTOWN. They are not particularly close to Zhou Mi and Henry either, there is some tension there.


Like seriously, how do they know what the members are like off-camera


1) it was written by a british person

2) its OFF CAMERA, how else are you meant to see them, it's not as if they go out in public, and publicly display their true feelings for eachother


Comment your thoughts on this blog, and heres the link to the person who DIDN'T write it, but reblogged her thoughts on it aswell





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