About yesterday

My instructor told me to mark my moves when I am in hip hop intermediate. After all, my body can't stand it if I do a 3 minute dance 'full out'. I start to question my dreams, if I can't even do two 3 minute dances without collapsing, how am I going to perform in the future? Can I even perform? Will I get a chance to perform? Sometimes I cling onto dance, it's everything to me. Other times I feel like giving up on dance because my dreams are too idealistic. But it's too precious to give up now, I can't give up now. I spent these months searching for the possible dance academies, thinking of the things I should be doing when I embark on my dance career. I can't give up now. Maybe in the future, but not now. 


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You must never ever give up on your dreams!! Obstacles can all be overcome!