I question my sanity

I question the choices that I make. I question my dream of being a dancer when I can't even walk properly, occasionally (I should change this term to chronically because it has been happening for a year.) I question my subject choices, why did I take Literature when it was my worst subject? Why did I not appeal for a triple science combination (which is actually the easiest because when I compare the content with other people, I find it easy). Why? I question my sanity. 


They tell me to be realistic. They probably do not know that I am more realistic than I seem. My classmates are the ones who know that I want to be a dancer. The people who sit next to me. They know I dance. They know I work hard too. Funny how the people who is putting me down are actually making me want to fulfill my dreams more. How ironic, because I hate their guts yet anticipate those words. I guess it is the same for everyone who is fighting for their dreams. 


I don't want my life to be stable. I want to be happy. Even though I wouldn't make a difference to the 'world', but I could make a difference and influence everyone I meet. It is okay if I do not influence everyone, because I will still be happy. Why do they forget how to be happy. They say studies is important, but the content isn't important at all. The thing that is important, is the life lessons that we gain in school, in life. That is important. You can't define anyone by their jobs, by their grades, by their wealth. It's all physical stuff. Honestly it wouldn't matter to me, because amidst my staggering, collapsing, I just want to smile. We must learn how to treasure what is really important. Strive to meet the demands of the physical world, but don't ever forget your dreams. Yet we can't forget to meet the demands of the physical world because you are too occupied with your dreams.


I question my sanity, but as long as I'm happy, I'm going to be okay.  


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