Nervous because of finals ;~;

Oh god, my finals are starting tomorrow (the first part) and I am getting slightly nervous right now >.<


Luckily I am going to write English first >.< Atleast I am sure that I am not going to fail English and I am sure that I will write a good note :'D

Monday I will have my art exam and well... depends on the themes I can chose from how my grade is going to turn out :s But it won't be that bad I guess (I hope :'D If there is much architecture, I am dead because I hate architecture XD)


And on Wednesday... I am going to die on Wednesday OTL MATH! I HATE YOU! XDD

I know that I will not have a passing note in Math but I since I will write English good, I don't need the passing note :'D


Nevertheless... I AM STILL NERVOUS >.<


And in May there is the second part of my finals, the oral part >.> Luckily I only have to let myself test in German and Religion. Easy as pie^^ After that I am finally finished with school (or rather college^^)



Wish me luck guys XD


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Good luck!
xinnie #2
i wish u a lot of luck! i've got an end of term one so im nervous too,but yours is a FINAL!!! SO I GIVE HALF MY LUCK TO U! AND Jihyo unnie will give u some too!!!! hwaiting!!!!
Good luck! ^^ You'll be totally fine. :)
Good luck!! ^^
Locketlover #5
Hope you do well! Good luck~
missbluz #6
I used to get nervous even through the easy subjects. It's a good thing though, being nervous. At least you prepare yourself to the fullest.
Right now, even though I should be nervous about exams and have to double the studying I'm doing the opposite. I don't feel nervous or guilty about them anymore or even give a damn! That's not the right attitude trust me!

Anyhow, it's okay to be nervous, even good sometimes. Just don't let it control you which I know you won't ^^;;

Best of luck =]]
superjunior_elf #7
good luck on your finals! :)
Good luck and I'm sure you'll do great! ^.^
good luck! ^.^
Good luck on your exams!
lexylexx #11
Good luck author-nim!!! ^^
I hope you'll ace them :D
Don't worry too much and you'll do just fine :) It works with me.
Aja, aja, fighting!!! =D


You start on a friday?
Good luck!! you can do it!! show them some awesomeness of you :D
the school you're attending is college?
or a combination of high school and college?

you're going to do the art just fine :D
Kick some :D
Oh man, ich hab sooooo angst vor den bevorstehenden prüfungen, bei mir sind die mündlichen auch im mai...
Um Englisch mach ich mir null sorgen
Aber ich muss als 4. fach für mündlich ein schlechtes von mir nehmen, aber wenn ich das schon schriftlich/im unterricht nicht auf die reihe bekommee, kann ich davon ja nicht erzählen x.x
Also irgendwie Physik, Chemie oder so
Also mir wär bio lieber, oder reli, aber ich glaub die wird nein sagen weil ich in den fächern schon einigermaßen gut bin ><