Strange...(information about my story)

I noticed today that most of my stories are revolved around a love between an over aged person and a minor.  I mean, in So Much Closer, the storyline is based entirely on overcoming the age differene (and other things if you wanna go check that story out).  In Less Than Eighteen (note: I did not create that cheesy title) that really is what it's about.  And in my upcoming one-shot, Appa, I Love You, the main character is in love with a man much older than her, who will never love her the same way.

I guess I write about all of this because it is something we can all relate to.  I'm just assuming that the majority of AFF users are under 18, right?  But if you are, the story will be more real to the age difference between you and your idol....

I don't know this was just a random spurt of my thoughts.

And for those of you who read my story So Much Closer, just know that in my poll, I learned that SO many of you guys are little erts...SO many of you guys voted for (=M=). I am by no means comfortable writing that, but I promised you, so I will.  You guys have stolen my innocence, I hope your happy....

Also, does anyone know how to put in a request (I may need someone to design a story graphic for me).


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