TOHEART teaser!

Watch it here!

What did you guys think????


found a working link!


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Woohyun looks so hot in that picture!
LOL its all over Twitter about how sm ed up the teaser the first time LOL can't believe they released it the first time with woohyun's name spelled 'whoohyun' smh at sm lol
private, i didn't even see it :"(
It's on PRIVATE!!!!!!!! HHUUUUAAAA!!!!
why has it been set to private? omg, namu is out to get me! hahaha
I looooovveeddd it!! I've been excited for Toheart for a while now (after I got over the initial disappointment of woohyun not having his own solo) but it sounds/looks like a lot of fun and I really hope they have a blast promoting together.
nnmhmh #7
well the colors and costumes are catchy but the song itself didnt fit my taste lol. and really key's rapping is medicore not that good. it will be hard listening to him :(
I am about to blog about my opinion so yeah ;D