
When you decide what someone should believe or should do, you do not change them. Rather you make them more eager to prove you wrong, to hold on to their beliefs. I swear I have been getting more y because there are so many people trying to tell me what I should do in the future. 


Dancing isn't something wrong. Nor should it be avoided because I wouldn't get paid much. I do it because it makes me happy. Society does not need another person who doesn't hold on to their beliefs. Society does not need another person who follows the crowd blindly. 


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I hate when that happens, especially from a religious standpoint. My mom always tells me, "Oh, when you get older you're gonna be preachin' the gospel in all these other languages!" And I want to say, "No, I'm gonna write books and travel the world." Unless I get a calling to preach, count me out of that.