The reason I'm hating life now (personal but not ranty loool)

Recently I've been having some issues with my health. Well, I've had them a while but it's got really bad in the past few months or so.
I've been really nauseous, I've been bloated and I've had really bad errr... wind and I've had errrr... tummy problems that are very... not nice for the people I share a bathroom with. (TMI, right? Sorry!). My tummy makes awful gurgly noises and I'm never hungry!
Anyway, I went to a doctor about it a few weeks ago and he told me to keep a food diary for a while and note when the symptoms were really bad. I went back a few days ago and finally got a real diagnosis.
I'm lactose intolerant, which is what he thought was the case. Yay. It sort of because it's really bad, like a a single cup of tea with a drop of milk sets me going.
This means I need to cut out cake, chocolate, milkshakes... all that stuff and TEA. I'm British and I love tea!
So he told me to totally cut milk out of my diet and then see how it changes and a few days in and I am so failing! I have no idea how to change my eating habits at all! Gah!
I had a cup of tea 10 minutes ago and now I feel so sick and unsettled! -_-


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evangeline101 #1
Omg whyy I love milk so much I‘d kill myself if I couldn't touch milk
lol. I'm allergic to milk in general so if I ever touch or drink that I go red and puff up lolol.
lol. I'm allergic to milk in general so if I ever touch or drink that I go red and puff up lolol.
lol. I'm allergic to milk in general so if I ever touch or drink that I go red and puff up lolol.
I'm a complete sweet tooth and a er for milk and tea. If I was in your shoes, I'd be bawling.
Awww that‘s so bad:( Just drink tea without milk I LOVE IT try green tea without sugar just plain tea ITS SO GOOD AND UM about the cake and chocolate...i have no idea
Itscold #7
*don't like bitter yea.
Have I ever mentioned how much I hate it when my phone does this? Lol.
Well, the point is that u can enjoy tea without milk. And I'm sure you can find milk without lactose, in my country is pretty commom so it exists.
About the other sweets... oh man, i can't live without it. I guess it will be hard, but don't give up! Plus, sometimes lactose intolerance isn't that severe so have faith! Fighting~ ;)) <3
Why don't you try tea without milk? It may not taste the same but it's actually very good. You can try green tea, cinnamon tea, apple tea, ginger tea, berries tea (I just drank berries tea an hour ago)... there are lots of different kind, you can add sugar if you fon't
Ah...Hmm, You should try Soy Substances to replace things like milk. I used to drink Soy Milk when I was younger and it made no difference, I dont know why but Im fine with regular milk as well.You dont always have to have milk in tea right?
Can you use soy milk??? Vanilla soy in coffee works well to replace milk for me.. I can't live without my cream in coffee but the soy does the trick. <3
It's to be lactose intolerant doesnt it? I've never been diagnosed, but I noticed the uncomfortableness when I consume dairy products, so I've taken it out of my diet. If I do drink milk, I drink soy milk, which is not that bad:) I don't eat cheese anymore also so yea...hope you get your diet situated:)
Try oolong tea :) it's good!
Baravois #14
Do you think substituting soy products or honey will do?