Question for people reading 'Dedication Takes a Lifetime (but Dreams Only Last for a Night)

Basically, I've been deliberationg the progress of this fic and I wanted to know a few things.


First; or no ? Why? I have an idea of what will happen in the next few chapters and I want to know whether you guys would be comfortable with reading a couple of scenes?

Second: How long do you think it should be. I'm thinking it'll be about 30-40 chapters or so, maybe longer. I just don't want it to get boring or too dramatic. What do you guys think?


Cheers! (That's British talk for thank you very much ;D)



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evangeline101 #1
Are you kidding with me there's no way I would say no to (the reason why most of the fics I subbed to is rated)
I'm all for so if you decide to write it, Yesss! LOL and if you decide not too, its okay. It's your story so do what you want.:) and about the length, I'm fine with anything under 50 chapters lol I don't think I've ever read like 50+ chaptered fics lol maybe one or two but I think it may drag if it gets too long you know what I yea, just my opinion though. No matter what, I love your writing anyways so I'm sure it will turn out well, jade:)
Ummm I'm fine if you want to write , but since I couldn't read it... could you plz put it in a chapter with no like main sorry lines? just so I don't completely skip out on someone getting kidnapped or something lol
And idk... 35? 45? Whatever would help you time the story line right would be fine with me
I think rated scenes would be nice, but not too explicit. I think as the characters get closer it would be a natural progression of the story, but keeping it more pg-13/R ish might be more fitting!
I think you should write if you want to and make it as long as you want to according to what you'd like, since you are the author after all.