


All of my dance apparel are gifts from my instructors. Somehow, they know that my parents have financial problems. I feel that I have let my instructor down, for I am one who crumbles under pressure. Because I am unable to practice dancing, my body. But I persisted, didn't I? Sometimes I wished that there could be a transfer of lessons (if someone cannot attend the lesson, another person attends the lesson in his/her place). Because I've stayed for two years and will stay for a few more years. These fees, my parents cannot pay for them. They do not want to pay for them as well. I want to find a job. Since I really love dance, I should do many things to fight for a chance. I do not want to admit that I cannot continue dancing because of financial problems. 


Jazz intermediate was fun. I'm quite amazed at how easily I can point my feet so easily.


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*sneaks in from corner*


working is fun and very satisfying when you earn money