Update on writing (including the oneshot requests)

I put out a call for fic requests last month and I got some awesome requests. If you requested there then I assure you I will definitely write your fic, that's these people. The bold ones are fics that are in progress.


As you can see, I have a few requests to fill, so if you're on this list you may be waiting a little while BUT I am going to write them all!


Currently working on the next chapter of Weight of Souls and As the Dust Falls.

conchobar - You didn't request but i promised you Hosoo but life took over. I'm still writing that Hosoo in return for the awesome Myungbin :3

nnmhmh - Gyuyeol! I am so excited to write this one! <3

Keyshawol - Wooya. This will be interesting :P

hotterthanasummer - Sungyeol the Vampire Slayer. I need to be in a crack mood to write this :P

xdark_blue - Myungyeol hurt/comfort. writing this has been torture but this is already underway.

khurui - Myungsoo handcuffs Sungyeol but loses the key. I have no idea what to do with this prompt yet :P

LittleSushi - YAY MYUNGYEOL FLUFF! I plan to start this as soon as I get my chaptered fics updated and Crazy Things is posted.

Loserchick87 - ty Myungyeol comedy. Well, I have this one started already and it's very nearly finished. I posted the foreword AGES ago, because I thought I could get it finished. Then I got handed six assignments in one month, so I've been working slowly on it since. Expect this up verrrry soon.

junh0nggie - Dark Sungjong x Anyone based on Coldplay 'Clocks'. I have a plot in mind but not sure which member fits it yet. I'm leaning towards Gyujong hehe.

jhengchie  -Myunggyu and Dongyeol. Not even started thinking about this one yet!

dustybooks - Yadong! Haven't started yet, but I have a vague idea!

dongyas - Unestablished Yadong! I wrote Afterglow for visinel but that fits this bill hehe. I will work on this one though, I have a vague plot idea!

whitelady - MyungYeolJong comedy! Haha My MYJ feels are in overdrive with the Infinite F unit being announced, so this will probably be done relatively soon :3

winterstarz - Woogyu reading themselves in fanfics LOL! I will definitely write this when I'm feeling funny enough.

Myungyeol_bby16 - Wooyeol. Yeah. This is going to be done very soon. I have /just/ started it! It will be a loose sequel to my Hogyu 'I'll be your shelter, I'll be your storm' but you don't need to read that if you don't want to!

silvermist22 - Alljong tragedy. Eeep! I struggle with Jong centric fics but I do like the challenge! Will be done, don't worry!

hofangs - You requested Myungya or Hogyu. Since I recently wrote a Hogyu, I will do a Myungya! 


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I'm still waiting patiently:) thank you for even doing this when you've been dealing with so much lately! You're awesome, Jade! ♥
OMG so much to work on! Everyone will be patient :)
what there is going to be an Infinite F
Wow you sure have a lot to do. I would politely say 'take your time' but I've been searching for good myungyeol and I can't find and I need to reaad ;A; I'm waiting! Lol. Shdggrhdhctd isn't it exiting?! Infinite F!? Wow it's something I've been wishing since forever. Amazing. Dream come true. The feels. More MyungYeolJong moments. More screen time for the maknaes. Possibly Rapper-Yeol. O.M.G.
What is air.