why I ship Wooyeol

Requested by xdark_blue, she thinks it will be interesting since wooyeol is my OTP!



-when or if I started shipping it, how much do I like the ship:

I adore the ship more than words can say. I think that it's under shipped and under appreciated, but it's so present as well. I started shipping Wooyeol as best friends years ago. I think it was Sesame Player when they were cleaning the dorm and they were just so funny together. I have always loved them as best friends pranking the other members, but I started to ship them romantically last year when I read lirazel's fic shoot to kill (my heart is a smoking gun). It was so well written and dynamic and then I started to notice Wooyeol moments where before I would only see Myungyeol and Woogyu.

-who would make the first move

I think in this ship it would always be Woohyun. I think Sungyeol isn't confident enough to make the first move and would be very nervous about it. Woohyun would be the one to approach him and make him feel comfortable.

-who I prefer to see on top

Woohyun. I love Sungyeol topping fics, like no lie, but Woohyun just tops with everyone in my honest opinion. I think he's just more confident and more comfortable in ual situations. Even though Yeol watches (like who doesn't) and has admitted it, I think real life wise he would be very inexperienced :D

-a song that reminds me of them

Cover Girl. I can just see Woohyun teasing Sungyeol because of his rapping but secretly being really proud of his jagiya ;D Also, when i write Wooyeol I always listen to the song Getaway Car by My Favorite Highway so that as well. I listened to the song My Skin by Natalie Merchant when I was writing Fading Away so that reminds me of them as well. so yeah, quite a lot :3

-a fic I would like to write/read about them 

READ: Someone give me a college chaptered/long oneshot Wooyeol? Please? Where they are like enemies but really best friends and they have to fight their feelings for eachother whilst their own like personal close friends (Myungsoo and Sunggyu) just try and get them together. ;D PLEASE!

WRITE: Well, I'm planning a chaptered fic where Woohyun travels abroad for a long holiday and his best friends wedding in Rome and he meets Sungyeol and they hate each other to start with and then they end up getting together and it will dealw ith the long distance relationship start of things. ;D 

-AU setting that fits them best

University. I can't see them in high school but I adore university/college life fics A LOT.

-what makes me happy about them

The fact that they aren't that widely shipped, so they aren't sensationalised like Woogyu or Myungyeol, I love how they have lots of moments that only Wooyeol shippers seem to notice :3

-what makes me sad about them

Personality wise, I think they could be bad for each other. I think that they both have really bad confidence issues even if Woohyun hides it a little better than Sungyeol. They could either be good for each other or really hurt each other. Also, the fact that there are no Wooyeol moments videos!!! 

-things done in fanfic that annoy me

I'd say Woohyun being a but that's all I ever write (I love you Nam), so I have to say when people mess up their personalities TOO much, like making Woohyun quiet and weedy and Sungyeol tough and gangster. If you're going to put them in roles which aren't typical, you need to do it well.

-things I look for in fanfic

Wooyeol. It's a rare ship, so I will take anything. But yeah, mostly, Woohyun being a confident y beast and Sungyeol denying his feelings for a while :D

-who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other 

Anyone. I ship Woohyun/Anyone and Yeol/Anyone, but I am also a hardcore Myungyeol and Woogyu fan so them, mostly! 


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I ship WooYeol too ^^

but I like , no , I LOVE bottom Yeollie ~ hihihi ^^
seaweedhair #2
sesame player...that's when I first started shipping them too (that wonderful shower scene XD)
our only difference is I'm a huge bottom Sungyeol fan hahaha
sungyeol topping woohyun lolololol
it's impossible