❛〈 Stella。 Cha Jiyeon〉❜


Cha Jiyeon

Personality: Jiyeon is an intelligent girl who is very sensible and can act according to the situation. She may speak like a genius sometimes and she uses her mind well. To her family and friends, Jiyeon is a gentle and loving girl. She loves her fans and is a fan-pabo. Jiyeon always wants to make people happy and smiling. Jiyeon is very dorky and humorous. She's playful and has a lot of energy that she can cheer anyone who has a bad mood on that day. Her other side is that she is stubborn. Behind her smile, she hides her sadness and tears. Jiyeon is very sensitive and gets hurt easily. She is also a courageous girl who would pick a fight or get into arguments if she thinks that the person is doing something she doesn't like. Jiyeon would speak Kong-lish most of the time but luckily, her members understands her well. Jiyeon has a lot of charisma especially the way she stares at the camera. She has a big heart and is always there for the people she loves. She changes immediately into a charismatic and full of swag idol whenever she performs. At the backstage, she is seen memorizing her lines and monitoring after the rehearsal.

September 16, 1993
Korean & English
Seoul, South Korea
Full Korean
Nickname: Yeonnie (by friends), Yeon-aegi (by N) & Kitty-yeon (by the fans)
Current Relationship with Lover: Friends (they met in school and they got along well since then. They were always seen together in school.They both have a crush on each other.)
9 - 10
10 highest
Your Lover
Back-up Lover
Family & Friends
Parents: Cha Jisun (Mother) & Cha Hajoon (Father)
Siblings: VIXX's N (Older Brother)
Friends: B.A.P's Jongup & F(x)'s Krystal
Likes: Candies, Music, Accesories, Cute things, Nail Art, Makeup & Photography
Dislikes: Heights, Bad People, Bullies, Insects, Big dogs & Alcohol
Hobbies: Listening to music, Shopping, Practicing, Playing piano & Taking pictures
Habits: Eyesmile, Poke her own cheek (aegyo), Bites her nails, Says "Oh my god" always & Pouting when hungry
Fears: Heights, Elevators, Horror, Insects & Dark
Etc: Jiyeon can be the vitamin or mood-maker of the group. She is the cameo in Vixx's "Voodoo Doll" and B.A.P's "1004". To avoid confusion because her name is similar to T-ara's Jiyeon, she picked "Gail" as her stage name.
Password: LOVE&UXOXO
The Charismatic Goddess
Visual + Main Dancer
Song Ahri
2NE1's Dara
Girl's Day's Yura


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Heyyyy jiyu <3 can i please have the code for this app ; u ;
For organising purposes cries
you may not realize this
buy you have the exact same fanclub colour as me
since all of the stella members have colours such as pink & blue
imma make yours lavender to even it out ORZ
hope you don't mind!
jiyuuuuu if you can, can you please raise your age to 93? :3 thanks yo <3