❝ Queen of Hearts♠ ❞ Kim Jihye, Back-up Vocals/Sub-Dancer/Visual


Kim Jihye | berryxstraw | Activeness 7/10 | Amber

Birth Name: Kim Jihye

Other Name(s): Grace

Nick Name(s): {Optional}

Birth Date ; Age: 01/23/94; 21

Birth Place ; Home Town: San Francisco, CA 

Ethnicity: Korean/Vietnamese

Height ; Weight: 52 kg; 168 cm

Languages: {English | 100 (%) | 100 (%) }
                             {Korean | 50 (%) | 90 (%) Slight Accent}
                         {Vietnamese | 50(%) | 70 (%) Accent}


Faceclaim: IU

Back up Faceclaim: Yura (Girls' Day); Mina (AOA)

Fashion Style: Casual; Knit Sweaters and Cardigans 

1 2 3 4 5 6 

Personality Traits: reserved, soft-spoken, stubborn, clumsy, kind, calm, childlike, pessimistic

Personality: Jihye was always seen as a model student by others while growing up. She's known for her smarts and usually gets along with just about anyone. But her quietness prevents her from being noticed by others. She's perceptive to others' feelings and is driven to meet others needs. She also shows genuine concern toward others and listens to their problems. Other like her for her kindness and willingness to help, but they take advantage of that because she can never say no to any request. 

Although Jihye may seem calm and without worries she has a tendency to blame herself for any problems. She reacts emotionally to conflict and takes criticism personally. Jihye also keeps everything to herself and is reserved in expressing her own feelings. She's soft-spoken and people emulate her way of talking without knowing it, which annoys her. Her relationship with gravity also isn't great so she's clumsy and not graceful. She also tends to avoid people she feels she has made a bad first impression on.


 Reading; Her escape from reality
— People watching
— Soup
—Taro Milk Tea


— People; Only sometimes, though. She has to act a certain way in front of others.
 Having her picture taken; She's unconfident and it shows in the picture.
— Pineapples on pizza
— Judgement
— Watermelon flavored candy


 Whines like a puppy in her sleep.
 Laughs during scary movies.
 Sleeps with a small stuffed animal.
 Takes her own advice rather than others.
 Plays with hair or fiddles with clothes when nervous.
 Gets distracted and spaces out easily.
 Shares anything with others when asked.
— Tunes everything out when focused.
— Forgetful.
— Keeps everything to herself.
— Tries not to become close to others.
— Can't make eye contact with people she feels uncomfortable or unconfident around.
— Loses things easily.
— Makes random noises.


 Embarrassment; She was always teased by others.
 Public Speaking; Has a really soft voice and has to strain for others to hear her.
 Heights; Will only ride kiddy rides at amusement parks
— Judgement



 Hates insects and bugs but can't kill them.
 Can share any drink with someone except water.
 She's never had a boyfriend.
 She acts cold and is more silent around guys.
 Cries easily.
 Learns new things easily.
 Patient listener.
 Is a dissenter.
— Others because of her reactions.
— Extremely attentive to detail.
— But is messy and disorganized.
— Allergic to cinnamon.
— Has dimples.
— Insecure about her cheeks and uses hair to make her face slimmer.
— Has the ugliest suprised face ever.
— Dislikes tying her hair up.
— Taught herself guitar.
— Gets along better with children than others her age.
—Has a 4D personality
—Horrible at imitating others
— Doesn't have a personal gag/talent
—Gets scolded by stylists and coordis because she alwys wears the same types of clothing.
— Does the members' hair and makeup when there's not enough staff.
—Was an average dancer but after training she became one of the best in group.
—Nobody thought she would debut while she was a trainee, unless it was to be a visual.
—Usually overshadowed by other trainees because she was not exceptionally talented in anything. There was always someone better than her.
— Trained with a few members of EXO for a special stage before her group's actual debut.


Background: Jihye started her education earlier than most kids her age. Because her aunt was a college professor she wanted her to succeed in life. This meant finishing school and getting a job earlier. She had planned everything out for her, but things don't always go as plan. Jihye didn't want to be a doctor, lawyer, or whatever job her aunt thought would give her a decent lifestyle. She loved music, much to her aunt's dismay. Although she did study hard and attained good grades she made it clear that she wanted a career in music. Jihye was bullied when she was younger because of how she looked and because of her age. Jihye was younger than all of the kids in her class because she began school earlier and was in higher classes. She was also chubby and kids called her names and made fun of her. But as she grew older she was determined to get back at those kids so she lost the weight and began to improve herself. Her aunt decided to move to Korea to teach also when she was 13, and this gave Jihye a chance to start over.

Jihye auditioned several times for different small entertainment companies but never passed. Even so she continued to practice her singing and dancing in her spare time but never neglected her studies. She became a trainee for SM after auditioning once with a classmate. Jihye never thought to audition for the company because she didn't think she was good enough but her classmate told her it wouldn't hurt to try. Her aunt was not happy with the news because that meant Jihye would have to drop out of school to train. She wasn't even finished with high school yet. Even so her aunt  reluctantly supported her decision to drop out of school and start training. Jihye wasn't especially talented in singing or dancing but she was better than most. There was a unique charm to her singing and dancing though, which was why she got in.


Family:  Choi Mihyun | Aunt | College Professor | 38 | 50 (%)}

Best Friends:  

Krystal | Group: F(x) | The first trainee she met in vocal class | 70 (%)}

Sehun | Group: EXO | Dance Partners | 65 (%)}

Kai | Group: EXO | Dance Partners | 70 (%)}



Rival Name: 

Why Are You Rivals?: 


Relationship: {Sunbae/Hoobae. Unnie/Dongseung}

Love Interest: Luhan

Group/Actor/OC: Group EXO

Personality Traits: kind, charismatic, gregarious, calm, caring, protective

Personality: Luhan is a kind and extremely caring person. He watches out for his friends and others close to him often. Although he isn't very talkative or as loud as the other EXO members he's still popular and social. He's likeable by just about anyone and gets along with everyone.  His face may make him seem like he's childish and immature, but he isn't. He's mature, polite, and extremely hardworking. It may not seem so, because his talent doesn't surpass any of the other members but he's well rounded. 

Because of his looks he's often surrounded by girls, even as a trainee that was the case. But he didn't treat any one person differently. He didn't discriminate because of looks or talent, which made everyone like him even more. Luhan was also always respectful toward all of his seniors and elders, proof that he didn't put on any fake act.


How Did You Meet?: Before their debut, her group would practice for any special performances on tv shows. The girls would get partnered up with some of the members and Jihye usually got paired with Sehun or Kai. During practice though, he was the one that would help her and give her any tips to improve her dancing. They became closer and didn't hesitate to talk about anything that came to mind. He would always and joke around about her flaws too. The both of them also practiced Korean together and he even taught her some Chinese.

Status: Friends

Back-up Love Interest: Baekhyun 

Stage Name: 

Sub-Unit: WANTED

Persona: Reserved and Indifferent

Postion: Back-up Vocals/Sub-Dancer/Visual

Back-Up Postion: Soloist 4 

Singing Twin & Link: Jiwon (Spica) 1

Rapping Twin & Link: Seohyun 1

Dancing Twin & Link: Victoria 1

Talking Twin & Link: Sohee 1 2 3 4

Acting Twin: Park Shin Hye


Trainee Life:

As a trainee, Jihye didn't have many close friends. Yes, she would say hello and chat with the other girls during breaks she didn't have any deep conversations with them. Many of the other trainees thought Jihye was strange because she kept to herself all the time except when she was forced to work with others. She only became close to Sehun and Krystal because of they had similar personalities to her and they could relate.
Often, the loud members of EXO tried to talk to her and befriend her because she was so quiet. But she always talked formally with them and didn't try and become close to them. This made other trainees distance from her even more because they were jealous of her.
Since she was the same age as them and trained the same amount of time, she was often paired up with Kai and Sehun. 

Trainee Years: 4


Comments/Suggestions: -- Thanks for doing this and taking the time to read mine ^^

Scene Requests: Jihye slips onstage and Luhan helps tend to her injury after the performance is over.

Any questions?:  








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HaeriLuvsU #1
Welcome to Queen of Hearts, Jihye. You have been accepted to be our visual/vocals and dancer.

-Ellie ♥