#7〈 SERENDIPITY。 — Kim Jihye


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` replace the the gifs  with your love interest's+backup images/gifs: max width: 200px
` title of blog should be

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- even the brackets in the heading e.g. SERENDIPITY OF KIM JONGIN

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  berryxstraw ┆ Amber ┆ 7 ┆ PLOT #7 ┆ ヽ(*・ω・)ノ©

+ full name  Kim Jihye
+ nickname(s) 
+ birthday 
+ age 
+ ethnicity 
 Barista & Makeup Artist 
+ birthplace  Seoul, South Korea  
face claim & gallery 
 name & link
back up claim & gallery 
 name & link


my two eyes shine
+ personality traits  reserved, soft-spoken, stubborn, clumsy, kind, calm, childlike, pessimistic
+ personality  
Jihye was always seen as a model student by others while growing up. She's known for her smarts and usually gets along with just about anyone. But her quietness prevents her from being noticed by others. She's perceptive to others' feelings and is driven to meet others needs. She also shows genuine concern toward others and listens to their problems. Other like her for her kindness and willingness to help, but they take advantage of that because she can never say no to any request. 
Although Jihye may seem calm and without worries she has a tendency to blame herself for any problems. She reacts emotionally to conflict and takes criticism personally. Jihye also keeps everything to herself and is reserved in expressing her own feelings. She's soft-spoken and people emulate her way of talking without knowing it, which annoys her. Her relationship with gravity also isn't great so she's clumsy and not graceful. She also tends to avoid people she feels she has made a bad first impression on.
+ background  
Ever since she was young, Jihye would be insulted or made of because she was chubby. Her relatives, and parents even, would tell her not to eat too much or comment on her looks. The teasing never ceased until she finished high school though, partially because she had acne too. 
The words have stopped now that she has lost weight and has makeup to hide her scars, but Jihye is still affected by her past. She's insecure about her looks and worries about how others percieve her. 
Because of the hurt she recieved, she didn't have the confidence to do things she wanted to in high school and stayed home all the time. She felt ugly next to her friends and always compared herself to others. But she didn't let it show, and pretended like life was normal.

+ life style  
Jihye spends most of her time working as a barista at a local coffee shop. Her job there led her to meet the writer, and Jihye became close to her. She knows about the writer's situation and doesn't want her to become hurt again.
Occasionally she works as a makeup artist, mostly for dramas that shoot nearby or when the other girls have a special event. Because Jihye used makeup to cover her flaws when she was younger, she thought it was practical to make a good use out of her skill. She usually does the actress's hair and makeup when she's running late for a shoot.
Around the girls, she acts differently depending on which girl she's around. She's quiet and intimidated around the actress and can't seem to look her directly in the face when talking. She feels small and insignificant around the physical therapist because she isn't as passionate as her. She's acts more mature around the heiress because she always has to listen to her complaints about her life. Jihye acts childlike around the babysitter when they're together, because isn't pressured to act grown up around her. Only the intern and writer see how she truly acts, weird and 4d. 
She doesn't do much besides work and the girls worry about her love life.
baby don't cry tonight
+ family  use the format below. only list down the ones that will be relevant to the story
Brother | Kim Jongin (Kai) | age | occupation | 3 traits | relationship
relation | name | age | occupation | 3 traits | relationship
relation | name | age | occupation | 3 traits | relationship
+ friends  the format below. only list down the ones that will be relevant to the story. 
name | age | occupation | closeness (1-10) | 3 traits | relationship
name | age | occupation | closeness (1-10) | 3 traits | relationship
name | age | occupation | closeness (1-10) | 3 traits | relationship
+ other(s)  rivals, love rivals, exes, acquainances etc. use the format below. only list down the ones that will be relevant to the story
relation | name | age | occupation | 3 traits | relationship
relation | name | age | occupation | 3 traits | relationship
relation | name | age | occupation | 3 traits | relationship
im running to neverland
+ likes; 
 Cooking; She had to watch what she ate when she was younger.
 Music; It's her secret passion. Helped her relieve stress and makes her feel understood.
 Reading; Her escape from reality
— People watching
— Food
+ dislikes; 
— People; Only sometimes, though. She has to act a certain way in front of others.
 Embarrassment; She was always teased by others.
 Public Speaking; Has a really soft voice and has to strain for others to hear her.
 Having her picture taken; She's unconfident and it shows in the picture.
 Heights; Will only ride kiddy rides at amusement parks
— Pineapples on pizza
— Judgement
— Watermelon flavored candy
— Food
+ trivia; list as many as you like. habits, fears, hobbies, all of that jazz and anything you can think of. again, things you think will be relevant to the story + add extra information rearding your chosen plotline.
 Whines like a puppy in her sleep.
 Laughs during scary movies.
 Hates insects and bugs but can't kill them.
 Sleeps with a small stuffed animal.
 Can share any drink with someone except water.
 She's never had a boyfriend.
 She acts cold and is more silent around guys.
 Cries easily.
 Learns new things easily.
 Patient listener.
 Is a dissenter.
 Takes her own advice rather than others.
 Plays with hair or fiddles with clothes when nervous.
 Gets distracted and spaces out easily.
 Shares anything with others when asked.
— Tunes everything out when focused.
— Forgetful.
— Others because of her reactions.
— Extremely attentive to detail.
— But is messy and disorganized.
— Keeps everything to herself.
— Tries not to become close to others.
— Can't make eye contact with people she feels uncomfortable or unconfident around.
— Loses things easily.
— Allergic to cinnamon.
— Has dimples.
— Insecure about her cheeks and uses hair to make her face slimmer.
— Makes random noises.
— Has the ugliest suprised face ever.
— Dislikes tying her hair up.
— Taught herself guitar.
— Gets along better with children than others her age.

so lucky to have you
( brief answers will suffice. it doesn't have to be long.)
+ when did she become best friends with the girls? how?
 high school or college? same class? friend/family connections? 

+ who among the girls is she close/closest to? why?

+ who among the girls is she least close/closest to? why? 
— The actress; She's so confident while Jihye is the complete opposite. 

+ what is life like living with the girls? (first pov pls)
 — your opinion about it, first thoughts, how did you adapt, how did you end up living with them etc. 
Living with the girls is unpredictable and hectic. I knew it would be different than what I was used to, but not this much.
+ any particular role you have around the house? 
 I'm the only one that can cook meals fit for everyone's taste and not burn the house down while doing so. I do all the grocery shopping make sure we don't run out of daily essentials. 
everyday in my dreams
+ love line  owning love
+ partner  Byun Baekhyun
+ backup partner   Xi Luhan
+ age  25 
+ occupation  Singer
+ his personality traits  outgoing, cheerful, gregarious, flamboyant, sensitive, childish, stubborn, blunt
+ his personality  
Baekhyun is almost the complete opposite of Jihye, but they somehow have similarities. They're both still children at heart and are understanding of others. The two also love music and have a passion for it. 
He's liked by others and attracts attention from others wherever he goes. It's almost impossible not to like his personality, which is the reason for his many friends. But don't be fooled by that, he's only trusting to a select few. 
+ their story  
minimum of a paragraph. how did they me(e)t? did they already meet prior to the story? if yes, what was their 'past' like? love at first sight? hate at first sight? what's their first impression of each other? write them all here + i always love reading this section (it's my favorite part yeee) so be as descriptive and magical as you want. add fluff mabe? .-. /dead

+ relationship   
their relationship as of now // how you two act around each other, what s/he likes/dislikes about him/her, etc.
+ trivia; (+5) trivia about him eg. his job (if he if he has one) or/and you two as a couple e.g. nicknames for each other, pet peeves, first dates, first dates, anything interesting really.

an instant heart attack
+ password  ohlalalalala
+ others — say what else you need/want to say/ask. comments, questions, or suggestions. feel free to write them all down in this little box * ^ *
anything. give us some juseyo. o/ suggest as many scenes as you can. be imaginative, be fluffy, be weird. otl i love inspirations. since they're all legal, there might be some mild ahemratedahem scenes c;








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