Hidden Love - NEXT UPDATE!

All of your comments really help me realize how much I've missed and enjoyed writing so I actually stayed up most of the night last night writing the next chapter. I'm even almost done with it. I really want it to be better than the last chapter (which I think so bad and I'm sorry for that). SO my point is that I will have the next chapter up most likely tomorrow morning because I can lol.

This chapter is all from Jong Hyun's point of view because for some reason his struggle is resonating with me lately. His character has become extremely human in his emotions. He's proving that even the simplest decisions are nearly impossible to make when your feelings are all over the place and that you can change your mind a million times in the space of two seconds. A lot of people may see him as a coward but I feel like he's figuring out the process of falling in love with the wrong gender in a very opposing society in his own way. He'll get there eventually. I am sorry if I'm not expressing all of this very well in the story but I'll continue to try my best and improve on my writing.

And again thank you for staying with me through this tough time. I only lost two subbies which was surprising after such a long hiatus. Then I gained one today :D THANK YOU NEW SUBBIE AND EVERYONE ELSE WHO HAS STUCK WITH ME. I love you all <3 I have to remind myself often that I did not start this story to gain a bunch of subscribers but to give those of us who ship less popular groups something to read.



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