Skin Care Routine + Products I use

Helloo guys!

I will continue this blogpost from my last one since someone asked me how the products I bought at the body shop actually worked out for me. At first, I am not a professional or whatsoever and I seriously don't know much but I try to inform myself about certain products since I once carelessly used products, which caused a lot of problems for my skin.

As far as you know, I bought some products from "The Body Shop" and I use them for about one week now. I know, one week is not much time and usually, you use new products for about three weeks or longer but I find it not necessary to wait so long.
I quickly bought some new things the day after I made my blogpost so there are a few new products I use^^


Usually, I start and end my day with washing my face.

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I use the Cool & Creamy Face wash now and it does wonders for my face. My acne scars started to fade after two days and soe of the smaller ones had disappeared completely. I had three pimples on my right cheek, which had been very deep and since I squeezed them out I had very dark brown scars on my face and now, after using this, they start to disappear now!
Besides that, it controls my oily skin and leaves a cool feeling, which is perfect for summer. Also, this doesn't dry the skin, which is perfect for my since I have that weird combination skin (Dry/Oily).
Bought it for 8€ (12.50$)


After I washed my face, I don't use toner, since it always dries my skin and I don't apply cream immediately either. I use this here first:

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It's the Seaweed Pore Pefector. Okay, I don't have uber large pores but the pores on my nose aren't small either and since I used this, they started to shrink, as well as the pores on my skin. It also work very well as a primer for makeup! 
The only thing I don't like is the price. Acttually it costs 17€ (20$) but I bought it for 12€ since I have that special discount thing for the people who have that TBS member card. But! A little goes a long way so you really don't need much and it looks like I didn't use anything out of that little bottle.

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The Seaweed Mattifiying Day Cream is my day Cream. I actually asked the shop assistant which cream I should use and she recommended me this one here. It's a very light cream and a little goes a long way and it moisterizes perfectly!
It also mattifies really well and I don't look like a grease-ball anymore. It maybe is not a cream for people with very oily skin but then again it depends^^
I bought it for 15€ (16.50$)

As for my night cream, I use the Aloe night cream:

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I got this as a small gift in the travel kit size from the shop assistant who had helped me a lot and I was a bit skeptical at first because of my oily/dry skin but this cream is wonderful! It moisterizes my skin without making it oily over night and without drying it. Perfect for the night!


This is my daily routine for my skin care but I also have things which I used frequently now.

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This scrub is quite new but I love it! I searched for a scrub which wouldn't damage my skin too much but it shouldn't be too soft either! The exfoliants are small and fine and they remove the dead skin perfectly! It has tha grittiness I wanted and it doesn't dry my skin. It also managed to remove some of my blackheads and whiteheads, which actually seemed to be impossible before.
My skin felt amazingly after using it and I really can recommend it to you guys (I use it every second day). Bought it for 8€ (14$).


To be honest, I love masks and I don't know why but I love them XD I bought two masks from TBS, which both already helped me.


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I use this one here to target my oily skin and blackheads and white heads. Seriously, I just used this once and nearly all my blackheads are gone. It does smell like seaweed, so maybe some won't like it, but I love the smell XD It's a claymask so be sure to close the lid properly again after you opened it, or else it might get hard. Also, if it starts to dry a bit, simply at a bit water and stir it.
This one here was a bit costy as well 17€ (22$) but again, a little comes a long way and it probably lasts long. Apply it on your skin and leave it to dry for about 5-15 minutes and then wash it off.
Your skin will glow and looks really healthy after it! (It also helps with the disappearance of my scars)

Since I don't want to stress my skin with all the anti acne and anti oil products, I use the Honey and Oat mask as well:

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This here moisterizes the skin and makes it soft and tender. For me it is not really a scrub mask because it doesn't remove the dead skin not as good as the scrub but it does it work!
It smells a bit funny for me but not unpleasant and just like before, a little goes a long way. The creamy consistency spreads really nice on the skin. Just leave it there for about 5-10 minutes and then wash it off^^


Since I do break out from time to time, I also bought a spot treatment

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I just put it on a cotton tip or a cotton pad and pad it on the pimple or the problematic zone. I mostly do it before I go to sleep because the smell is quite strong but at the next day my pimples are reduced and the redness around them has disappeared.
Of course you can buy tee trea oil at you local shop as well to a maybe cheaper prize but this here helps me personally a lot.


So, these are the products I use and I hope I could give you some ideas and help, if you have problematic skin as well. Of course, everyone's skin type is different and some of you maybe don't like TBS at all, so in the end, use the products you are the most comfortable with!
For me, it definitely is TBS and I won't stray away from it so fast. I even managed to persuade my friend to try things out from it and we will go to our local TBS store this Saturday :)

If you go to TBS let the shop assistant help you. Even though I have oily skin, I do not exclusively use the Tea Tree line since the cream maybe wouldn't even be moisterizing enough for me. Ask what would be the best for your skin and they genuinely try to help you :)
And if you don't want to spend much money, you still can go and ask for advice so that you maybe can look for cheaper products elsewhere :)



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-watermelon #1
Woah. So many. Tbh, my sister and I are not much into TBS but more on Etude.....their products are just so cute :(
Well, I live in a tropical country, so my face is really super duper oily. I also have bad black heads and big pores in my nose. Sooooo
which do you think is the best product for me? You listed many and I don't know which is the best for treating my skin.
Thanks for making this post. It helps alot <33
darkyoung #2
you seriously do use and need a lot of products for you face! doesn't it get tiring? How bad was/is your skin? Did these products help?
Attention #3
You use a lot of products, but taking care of oneself is important. This will be good tips for me. :)
Thank you for this post :), I am considering on buying some of The body shop's tea tree products, but I'm not really sure yet. I have been suffering acne for quite a long time now, all i use is a cleanser and a moisturizer which doesn't really help. so yea. :)
i receltny went to the mall and went inside the body shop, saw some of the products of the shop, the assitent recommended me to use the seaweed line, i didn't buy anything yet though i did buy them for my cousine since she has the same type of skin as mine.
it was 50% of for second product and i also have a member card so i bought perfum too xD
anyways, if my cousine likes it, i'm probably gonna try too and i think it's international? the body shop staff are really friendly and try to help, since i don't have good experiences with Yves Rocher, you probably also knows?
Since German sin't that far from Belgium
I use 'Well at Walgreens 3 step sistem with Rejuvenating Mask' and i have almost clear skin (i started using it two weeks ago and my face was ed up). It is something like Proactive tgree step sistem, just 15$ cheaper. xD