Totally Ruined My Bias List !

today, i become a productive girl~ Yehet ! Eh eh why ? Because I went with my mom to buy UPU pin, a pin use to apply for university and wnt to visit the are *kalau org Malaysia slalu kata MELAWAT KAWASAN*. before this, i never went out from my house during the morning. totally never. kekekeke. such a lazy girl right? ! I know that~~ Usually sleep in the morning, and sleep again during early morning, huh early morning ? o.O about 3 a.m anda baove. kekeke so late right ? I know that again.

after finished my business, i came home. and yeah. kpop time again :D :D wehuuuu. after looked at a few videos, and suddenly I realIzed, EXO TOTALLY HAVE RUINED MY BIASED LISTS T.T during MAMA promoting, I never care about their present. History ? Ahhh, I only listen to the music and I never put attention to their gruop. WHo is their gruop members ? Why they have too many members ? Why same like SUJU ? Arghhh, No way to love or know them. Because I'm too lazy to remember their name. kekeke. 12 persons to remember~ Full name, real name , nick name, their faces , their role, their songs. woishhh too many to remember. Since they are debuting in 2012, I have to transfer to a boarding school. and I got a less day at house compared to when I was in my old school. And during 2012, I put more interest in BTOB. and some other group which is debuting a same year with them. B.A.P maybe ? but I like B.A.P during One Shot promoting. that was in 2013. yeah, make it easy, I used to listen to Big Bang, SuJu, CN Blue, Shinee, Nuest, TVXQ and some other group. If EXO song was played in my MP3 * during that time i only have MAMA and History songs only* I will skipped their song. Haha Im so cruel right ? I used to listen to my favourited group only.


BUT. This song totally TURNS AROUND MY WHOLE LIFE. And my KPOP WORLD too. kekeke. well a big clapped to GROWL

~ Eururong eururong eururong dae ~ 

Yeah, started from this song, all my kpop biased lists has change to one and only EXO , kekekeke. totally freak me out. Damn it. I started to watch EXO in variety shows. Start from Weekly Idol to Baetles Codes. And my first bias goes to LUHANNNNNN ! *clap clap clap* but then I watched Weekly Idol again *promoting Growl* . My biase have turned to DO KYUNG SOO AKA D.O . YEHET! My eagerity have come to it maximum value when they have EXO's SHOWTIME * trying to shout EXO's showtime * hehehe. and yes after that, new group are debuting like BTS GOT7 and others. I tell you, they never can beat EXO. Yet, I still a multifandom, Im Babys Shawol Inspirit Elf Cassiopiea Beauty and Starlight and more. I used to listen to their music and I used to know their name. but I didn't go through them much. its enough just to know their name . hihihi, See how big EXO influence to me ~ seee ~~

Okay enough. If I write more, you might think I;m crazy.

Pst pst, my beloved BF is too jealous with D.O becuase I praised D.O more than him. Sapa suruh hang tak hensem mcm mamat korea. kan padan muka , wekk :P


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sleepysoo #1
it's true!! exo members ruined my bias list
wonder who can beat them?? no one~