I created LJ account

Hi everyone, I have finally created LJ account! I didn't knew what it was at first, so I did some google search about the website. It look so interesting (and I can write more stories there), so I thought I should give it a try to this new world. Since I'm obviously a newbie at LJ, I need your help, so give me some interesting advice about this site. 


This is my account name at LJ, so if anyone has LJ, can you guys add me? I feel so lonely. I'm probably going to start writing at LJ soon. Thanks in advance to everyone for taking a time to read this, so add me, neh? 


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I'm barely on my LJ to begin with though there's a chance I might just leave here and move back there...

But for the most part... there are some good layout galleries like...


I actually don't remember the one I had for my haeapple account... but I'll definitely add you as soon as I remember what my password was OTL.