The newest update about me regarding my job searching

Hey guys,


I am no longer searching for a job, as I got one :))) I am so happy, no words can express it. I accidentally met this girl a few weeks ago on a job interview, we started talking and she referred me to the place where she is currently working at, gave them my CV, I went to the interview and they just called that I got the job :) The best thing (ok not really) that my boss will be a gay man :D Haha, sorry, I love them! Anyway, I'll start on March 3rd, I'll work in two shifts (from 6am-2pm or 2pm to 10pm) rarely have to do night shifts, I'll work on the weekends sometimes, and have days off during the week. 


So what does this mean regarding my presence on AFF? Good news, I'll have more time than I would with a regular 9am-5pm job on weekdays, because I can write in the afternoon when I get home if I do the early shift, or on weekdays when I'm off as my family won't be home - because otherwise I would spend my time with them. 


I really am so overjoyed guys. I was very depressed about not finding a job (or having that of a man as my boss). So that's about it, thank you for reading :)




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Congrattttsssss!!!! ^.^ you really are a lucky one >.<
prinxzTA3MIN #2
congrats congrats >^^< == wish i could find a job while studying...
congratulation dear Monchi! ^_^
Congratulations baby♥ I knew something better was bound to come for you!
Shadow33 #5
Yay. Congratulations on finding a good job!
YES! Congratulations on sticking it out and getting the right job.
Alishaaye #7
So Proud of you! I knew it would work out! Congratulations!! A gay boss? How can you beat that? Ahahha! :D
Congrats :3 I'm so happy for you
OMG That's so fantastic, I am so glad you found a good job that won't be so hard for you. I still can't believe what a terrible time you had with that man, what a nightmare.
What kind of job is it?
Yaaaay omg that is amazing!
I told you being jobless wasn't going to be forever ^^
Yaay omg
It was so good that you quit the other job because now you have more spare time and a nicer boss ^^
(Although gay guys can also be asshats, trust me, but judging by how you felt about the previous one it can only get better ^^)
Yayyy...I'm genuinely happy for you. I hope you'll be happy and comfortable at this new job. Health first, then let the creative juices flow freely so that more Baekren can be ^.^

Ps: I love gay men too \^o^/
kpopluvr27 #12
Hahaha! He's gay? That's perfect! XD

Wow I'm really happy for you! I'm happy that you're happy.
Congratulations to you!
Don't work so hard though; stories can wait since you have a job.

Congrats! :D
Wow that's awesome!
Good job, but don't work too hard (:
I'm happy that you will still be writing!