I'm back, I'm back, I'm back oh~

So I posted earlier this week about my eye infection which has thankfully cleared up 100% now.


I have my laptop back from the repair shop so i can type instad of trying to write on my tablet. I went away for a few days so couldn't write there and now I'm back and I go back to university tomorrow so I can hopefully find time to write more.


So yeah, my plans of getting ahead this week sort of failed, but at least now maybe I can! :)


So yeah, I'm alive and well now! <3


While I was away, Dedication Takes a Lifetime reached over 250 subs and I swear I could cry!

I have no idea why you guys are subbing to me, but I love you all so much I could cry tears of uber joy!


Keep rocking, guys!



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I just checked my schedule, I can get you pregnant by Christmas.
Jade is back, Jade is back, Jade is back back back~
Thanks god the infection is gone~ I hope you get time to write now ^^
And people sub cause you deserve it, don't be so modest kkkk
Glad your eye infection is cleared up and that you're back! :))) and thanks for the update!
Welcome back sweet =)
hotterthanasummer #5
glad your eye infection cleared up >.<