The reason I don't have more friends

Me: *preparing to make a meatloaf while making buzzing sounds*
Only other person in the kitchen: "I knew you were practising being a Jedi in your sparetime!"
Me: *looks up* "Who, me?"
Only other person in the kitchen: "No, all the other people in here..."
Me: "Oh, you see them too!?"
Only other person in the kitchen: *looks up at me, clearly creeped out*
Me: *smiles creepily* "I'm so glad I'm not alone anymore!"
Only other person in the kitchen: *takes food and slowly backs out of the kitchen*



Just to be clear: No, I don't see people who aren't there. 


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kpopoppa #1
I do that all the time XD
bookworm83197 #2
Hahahaha XD That's hilarious! I do that sometimes too~ ^^
Nice to know someone else who loves to do that~ >:D
I see them too but only briefly in flashes XD ahh I'd love you if you did that
don't lie, Ida, u know I was there, under the cabinets, creeping =u=
pilikpoplove #6
Hahahaha i would have totally answered you and followed that joke, i've had hour long conversations that only consisted of nya and chu with my best friend cause we tend to follow up when the other is being weird.
haha I do stuff like this all the time XD it's fun to freak people out lol ^^