a little wise silence can go a long way.



whether someone has lied or not about themselves merely to achieve acclaimed attention they may be depraved from, it is somewhat childish to rebuke them more or seemingly contradict them than just being wisely silent and waiting for the after effect. if you do not wish to support, then remain your best neutral self. or better yet, silent. if we're wise to know better, then we're wiser to keep our opinions to ourselves.

one reply of contradiction over whatever aim we claim they are secretly trying to achieve would clearly invite the expected response of what we may know are lies but what others may be confused about. but what would you achieve from "teaching" others of them? fame? for being the truth-teller? how sure are we to be so sure about ourselves when we are nothing more than just mere writers?

my advice is this. let it pass. to allow it to begin and to respond to it, would only mean we are sub-conciously far more fearful of the potential effect of their actions, whether self-gratifying we think their claims may be. and that means revealing a weakness only a very many would happily seek to stab on. it will be a circle of horror not just for the confused but to you as well. and of course attention-seekers love to pick on this to distract and claim alliances. but what of truths..? if it was any truth, then where will you stand? think deeper. if you understand what happened during WWII, then you'd get what i mean. whichever side of the story you are on, don't betray yourself by being unwise.

and sometimes, it's just better not to take sides.

remain silent and watch where the story goes.


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