Kim Yuna in the Sochi Olympics

Okay, I usually don't rant about things (unless it's about how 2min disturbs me or how Ontae kills me)  but this... This is something I can't hold in.


I'm not saying this because just because I'm biased towards her (though I admit I am a bit) because I think Carolina Kostner (Italy) should have gotten the silver, but that didn't happen either. If Adelina Sotkinova had skated a perfect program-which she didn't- I wouldn't be complaining now.

That's not what happened though.

1.  Both Yuna and Carolina skated virtually perfect programs, both artistically and technically (save for Carolina's slight falter on her finish) 

2. While Adelina was admittedly good in technical skill, she was severely lacking artistically in comparison to Carolina and Yuna

3. One of the judges was actually suspended for a year after being caught trying to rig the competition in the 1998 Olympics in Nagano. 

4. While Yuna and Carolina didn't falter on a single landing, Adelina clearly stumbled after one jump

5. The difference between Yuna's score and Adelina's is absolutely insane. There should not be a five point difference when the one holding the higher score is the one who didn't even skate a perfect program

6. Yes, I understand Adelina did attempt some more difficult, level four moves while in general Yuna stuck to the level three moves, but it isn't like this is Adelina's first time skating that program, and last time she did, her score was 9 points lower than this time. Even if she fell last time, she stumbled this time as well, that's no excuse for her jumping up that much in score.

 7. This isn't just me, the whole skating community is in an outrage, everyone is in agreement that Adelina was average in comparison to Yuna and Carolina. She's good, don't get me wrong, but she is not better than those two. 

I8. If Carolina had beat Yuna in the gold, I wouldn't be complaining. Sure, I'd be a little upset, but Carolina had a near flawless performance, something I can't say for Adelina. Adelina was good, but not gold worthy. Bronze, yes. 

No  hate towards Russia, or Adelina, she is definitely a talented skater, but she's still got a ways to go before she has the artistry as well as the skill to match that of Yuna and Carolina. Right now, all she has is the ability to do jumps well. And even then, she didn't stick one of her landings.

Kim Yuna has been my role model since I was a little kid, and I just hate to see her lose the gold to someone who didn't skate nearly as well as her. Oh well, she still has the gold in my heart, and she will forever be the queen. 




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It was in no doubt very biased at how Adelina got the gold.(Not hating either) but I'm just being realistic.
b1acksharpi3mark3r #2
I agree with you and I'm really glad that you said this without hate. So many people are blaming Adelina or Russia in general but really I think it was just a couple of biased/racist judges.
And lol, found this comparison.
Yeah, I agree with everything you've said. But they can't argue that Adelina had higher technical skill because she received 5 points higher compared to Asada Mao (how could you forget her /sOBS). Asada landed 8 triple jumps (clean ones, too).
Also, apparently one judge gave Yuna a zero on her short program. like wtf
It just cannot be legit.