Skin problems, acne scars; The Body Shop Experience

It's been a while since my last blog post but I actually had nothing important to blog about XD


Anyways, this is a topic I actually never talked about because... I don't know XD I am quite sure that some, if not a lot of you have to fight acne as well, or break outs especially when the period draws nearer.
To be very honest, my skin is terrible XD I don't have exactly acne but I do tend to break out a lot and my pimples are sometimes so big and red that you can see them even if I put make up over it.

Not that I am actually ashamed of them - I only put light make up over it - but it still is annoying as hell (especially when you go out partying >.>)

My problem is that I can't leave them alone and always try to press them out... I know bad habit!

I have acne scars in my face but they are artificially and mostly heal after a time but the break outs come again and again. My back looks the worst though because the scars are there for quite a while now and I have the intention to get them removed when I go to Thailand this year because it is way cheaper over there than here in Germany!

Anyways, back to my face;

My skin is actually the combination skin type but it is a weird combination skin type XD Means, my skin actually is dry but tends to get oily over the day, especially in the T-zone and sometimes on my cheekbones (curse me, I have high cheeksbones so you can see it quite clearly >.> I love my cheekbones though XD)

So, what to do?

I tried nearly everything, from cheap cleansing products to expensive products and nothing quite worked.

Clearasil made my skin so dry that it nearly started to bled, so I used something else to balance it out again and after that I looked like I was dumped in oil.

Luckily for me I only tended to break out on the forehead only at that time.

Then, as I was 17/18 my skin suddenly got worse, means I broke out on my cheeks, chin and nose as well. Only small pimples but they were quite deep and it was a nightmare.

I used Garnier, which helped a bit but not much and then Clinique for mixed skin. At that time I didn't know that I had such strange skin and clinique dried my skin until I started to peel and peel and peel. It was a really horrible time.
A friend recommended my La Roche Posey, which is quite good for acne prone skin, so he told me. I started to use it and it helped! Well... for quite a while until my skin started to turn dry again.

Slowly I turned desperate and then we went to Thailand and oh, wonder, my skin magically got better and better. Every pimple and blackhead I head disappeared in a week time and I didn't have to take care of my skin as much as I have to do it in Germany.
It's no wonder though; I actually have good skin, if the weather is constant like in Thailand. Warm and humid weather or warm weather generally is very good for my skin and I barely have any problems with it when it is warm.

My skin turns very terrible during autumn and winter time, sadly (It still is better than from many of the German girls I know and have seen here)

Anyways, I bought a lot of stuff for skin care in Thailand, like cream and washcreams for my weird skin and before we left, we went to a drug store in Thailand and I bought a small tube with cleansing cream from Cathy Doll, which contained tea tree essence. That small tube was my savior in Germany!
After I finished the tube I was devastated because I started to break out again.

The thing that actually helped me a lot and prevented my skin from breaking out again was the tea tree essence and I was really devastated and I started to search for other options.

Before, I tended to ignore The Body Shop, don't ask me why but I recently walked past and thought "Oh why not"

I went in and looked around a bit first and what did my eyes see? A tea tree line! I nearly jumped out of happiness and walked straight to the board but... there was too much stuff XD Honestly, I was so confused because I didn't know which product was good for my skin and I was a bit worried because tea tree actually can dry the skin as well.

After the shop assistant made eye contact with me, she friendly approached in a not brash way, which surprised me. She asked me what I was searching for and I explained her my skin type first and she listened carefully and then she gave me a really good counseling. She explained me thoroughly what in the products were and what I might needed for my skin treatment. Since I don't want to "over treat" my skin, I only asked for a face wash at first and she recommended me the "Tea Tree Cool & Creamy Face Wash" since it doesn't dry up the skin and even cools it a bit.

I used it for nearly a week now... and OMG I love it! Really, my pimples reduced to nearly zero and my blemishes disappeared and even my scars started to fade already! It controls the oil of my face perfectly and my skin looks a lot better now!

It doesn't form any lather though, sadly and the scent is maybe not the best but the result makes up for that. It doesn't remove make up perfectly, so I usually use swipes to remove the make up first and then wash my face with the face wash.

After that I only use the gel cream from Ponds which I bought from Thailand. 

Today, I went to The Body shop again because my cream is going to come to an end and I search for a new one. Again, the friendly shop assistant counseled me again and recommended the seaweed mattifying day cream and I am going to buy it tomorrow^^
What amazed me the most is that even though I didn't buy anything today, the assistant still was so nice to me and even started some small talk and gave me some make up tips, even though I didn't ask for it initially^^

I am seriously amazed and really satisfied by the service and the products from the body shop (I used the body butter before and it made my skin really smooth.)

Of course, what I use is not for everyone but if you intend to buy something from The Body Shop, you seriously don't have to worry about haughty and arrogant shop assistants because they are all so nice and helpful.

I am thinking about buying my make up there but I am not quite sure yet.

The products are not what you exactly call cheap but they are not overly expensive either. The face wash cosst me 7 €, which is a lot cheaper than the La Roche Posey face wash I used quite a while ago; the seaweed cream costs me 14 €, which is okay as well. The container looks small but the cream is actually very yielding so that it probably lasts quite long (I tested it a bit today and it really moves into the skin fast without leaving any residue).

I also consider to buy the honey and oat scrub, because it would be a good addition for my skin treatment^^


I really can recommend The Body shop^^ It's also quite handy that it is an international branch so I don't have to worry in Thailand for not finding the right products ( as if... it's Thailand XD You can find everything there when it comes to skin treatment XD)


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LOL body shop is my fav brand! haha i use their product for almost all my make up . and their sales assistants are very friendly and nice, in a not pushy kind of way :D
and their products have nice fragrance ( ANOTHER REASON TO BUY BODY SHOP LMAO ) and also they are against animal testing, which is great.
So yeah lol BODY SHOP FTW ; w ;
No wondered why my sister was so obsessed with the shop. Now that I know what she goes through I'll go check the shop out XD When you were describing how your skin is before it was like you were describing mines. I have scars and pimples on my face too and it isn't oily and it isn't dry, it just gets oily in the warm weather which the opposite of your situation I guess. I will make sure to stop by at the body shop! Thanks a lot for the tips and for sharing your experience with us Parisa! Babyeee!
Woah thanks for the tip!
Woah,really? Does it really like vanish the scars? I don't have pimples anymore,but I can't get rid of the scars!! For how long have you used it?
I used to work at The Body Shop actually, and my colleagues gave me such good advice on skin products and a daily routine to keep to! (Sometimes they even offer a consultation service to customers?? Like one time they experimented on my face in store to show customers how they do it ahaha xD) As long as you give a general description of your skin type and the issues that you face, they will honestly really help to suggest a product suited to you and there are so many too. I think the prices there would be worth it to be fair, especially if it's definitely making a change! I hope your skin continues to get better, the tea tree line is really great :3