Guys...please be nice to the Helpers...

Just don't be rude or impatient. They're here to help out the community, and I know there aren't that many on staff. All of them are super people and really nice, but that's just it, they are people. There's a person behind the screen. Yes, that is their job, and they're contracted by the site to do it, but they try their best to be polite and sweet with everyone who comes across their page. I don't like checking out their page while on one of my random site explorations and seeing someone basically snapping at them. I give props to them for all the issues and complaints they filter from yeah, just be polite and as understanding as you can be. There's like, of them? Eight? No clue on the exact number, but they're hard workers, and they do a lot for the site.

That's all, ouo


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>.> They multiply. Is this the new generation of users? Our future is scary
Yap, users here in AFF should be nicer to the AFFHelpers *nod nod nod*