the cursed. {lee sochi.}


my name is  Lee So Chi and am one of the  cursed.  




character name. Lee So Chi

other names.  Lee Ai Mei, Epione Lee

birthday. Nov. 20, 1991

age. 22

birthplace. Sochi, Russia

ethnicity. Korean-Chinese

languages. Chinese, Korean, Russian, English

height. 172 cm

weight. 62 kg





face claim.  jo eun hee

back-up face claim.   park hye min







Sochi is a very naive girl who trust anyone. Even strangers. She is also bipolar, which makes her either happy and cheerful or sad and y, sometimes even both.

Sochi was in high school when she met her first love Mark. She opened up to him freely and they even became a couple. That is, until Mark was cheating with Ann and she witnessed it with her own eyes.

Her mother is very carefree, her father too strict and her sister too pessimistic.

She has no friends because she doesn't trust anybody anymore.


likes. reading, silence, music, writing, singing

dislikes.  spiders, math, mirrors, noise, happiness

fears.   spiders and heights

habits.   biting her fingers, tapping her fingers on any hard surface







love interest. Kyuhyun from Super Junior

age. 22

personalityKyuhyun is a smart and rude boy who tries to gain Sochi's trust. He is like her, easily trusting anyone.

how you met They met in class when they were paired up in Lab.

interaction Kyuhyun would constantly irritate her and she wouldn't mind him any attention

back up love interest.  Key from SHINee





storyline/curse. put choice in bold.
 isolated| broken | heartless |
 untrusting | confused | waiting

backup choice.
 isolated| broken | heartless | untrusting | confused | waiting

previous relationships.  





Comments/Suggestions. sorry if it's sooooooo short. still have exams and i'm speeding up.

Scene Requests. none ^^




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awesomeninja771 #1
Your application is pretty good, but you need to subscribe to be considered for the story. Just thought I'd let you know here