

What are the Young Elites?

The Young Elites are special malfettos (victims of the blood fever) who have survived and gained powers.

Who are Adelina, Violetta, Enzo, Giuletta, Teren, Rafaelle and Sergio?

These are their basic backgrounds.

Adelina - the unorthodox heroine of the series.

Violetta - Adelina's sister.

Enzo - Adelina's dead love interest.

Giuletta - Enzo's sister and Queen of Kenettra.

Teren - the Lead Inquisitor and Giuletta's lover.

Rafaelle - Adelina's mentor and Enzo's trusted Dagger.

Sergio - one of Adelina's men and (possibly) Violetta's love interest.

What is the meaning of alignment?

It is the test developed by Rafaelle to determine who you will become as a Young Elite. I will provide the gems and their respective gods/angels. There are a total of 12 gems, each for the 12 angels and gods of the Kenettran mythos, but only 10 personalities are mentioned, 8 of them with their gems and 5 of these were described by Rafaelle. As for the personalities without gems, you can choose whatever gem that fits their description.


Nightstone - Formidite (angel of Fear)
Amber - Caldora (angel of Fury)
Diamond - Fortuna (goddess of Prosperity)
Veritium - Sapientus (god of Wisdom)
Roseite - Amare (god of Love)
Sapphire - Laetes (angel of Joy)
Prase quartz - Denarius (angel of Greed)
Kunzite - Aevietes (god of Time)

Gods/Angels without gems:

Pulchritas (goddess of Beauty (?))
Compasia (angel of Empathy)


What are the possible powers my Elite/character can have?

Anything! Well, except for the following: nullification/power absorption, hallucikinesis (illusion), pyrokinesis (fire), advanced healing/regenerations, manipulation of weather (mainly storms and rain) and power sensing.


No two Young Elites are alike in terms of power.

What does my character need to have?

Markings. Markings can be anything, as long as it's distinct. It can be shown or hidden.

For example, Adelina's marking is her silver hair and the loss of her left eye. Meanwhile Magiano has his marking running down his back.

It's quite rare to see a malfetto without marking, such as Violetta. 

Can my character have more than one power?

you are allowed to have multiple powers, but there should be one stand out power.


I'll make it easy. Choose a song from Badlands by Halsey that best describes your character.

Taken idols/faceclaims/powers?

Nana is taken as a faceclaim, Kris is taken as love interest, omnipathy is taken as power.

more to be added soon.


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Galactix #1
You forgot:
Moonstone - Moritas (Goddess of Death)
ColdGirl #2
Is my character only allowed to have 1 power or s/he could have more (with limitation)?