seⅩes ↷ lee jungseok interview

CHARACTER NAME: lee jungseok
QUOTE: "i am literally this close to punching you, kid. this close." / "shut the up - it's none of your business." / "i won't hesitate to cut you."
SHORT DESCRIPTION: what else is there to say about this cranky, little-to-no-social-life leader? well, considering how there really hasn't been anyone who's lived to tell the tale - not much. he's pretty much just your average little loner that sits in his own little corner, perserving his space whilst mumbling coherent hexes upon his so-called es members. other than him being totally unapproachable (not to mention fiesty, nasty and just full-blown mean), he's not the mysterious, handsome creature some people protray him as. for, when someone walks in with a bug in their arms or you're sticking to his side like some freakin' koala, the cool that he exposes himself of just melts away with his pride.
but, although often cold and one to never associate with a majority of humans (or creatures for this matter), lee jungseok is a leader for a reason. he's mean and may boot you half-way across the moon, but given a relevant reason and time, he'll be willing to listen and give you his advice no matter how ty or un-reasonable he sounds. just know that you shouldn't feel too surprised to see him walk out upon the topic of love - because honestly, he could care less.
LOVE INTEREST: heo yeonsu / lyre
BACK-UP LOVE INTEREST: do kyungsoo / d.o [ exo ]
first impressions have never been much of jungseok's interest, so the first moment of meeting this weird, little thing - jungseok was sure he never wanted to meet anyone every again. his head flashed "DANGER" and no matter how hard he tried to avoid him, the siren always found ways to wiggle his way into jungseok's life. first and foremost, their relationship is rather one of a cat and dog chase. jungseok will run, but yeonsu will follow and the longer they're together, the sooner jungseok loses his cool. yeonsu can smile, can laugh, can cling, but jungseok will try so hard to just throw him aside (which he does). if one were to see if, jungseok treats yeonsu rather cruely, due to him just being around all the time. yet, when one reads between the eyes, they see the attachment that has grown, and you'll know that when jungseok has an attachment, he won't make an effort to let go, even if he has no recognition of the attachment in the first place. usually, around yeonsu, jungseok acts rather tsundere, always throwing profanities and mocking the thing. especially when he comes to his speech because why in gods name does he talk that way? even when jungseok is trying to teach him, all he ever gets in some ty, shakes-spearing nonsense ("goddamit, you! just speak normally- i don't understand!"). but, considering the fact that jungseok has completely obliderated the topic of love (and of the opposite gender especially) he always tries to show it to yeonsu that they will never be. the words he says, the actions he shows, whether it's bluntly stating the fact or pushing him lightly so he falls onto his side - jungseok wants to set the record straight because he can't fall in love. or, he doesn't want to. yet the longer he's with the siren, the better chances of him getting exposed, which is why he doesn't want to get close to him in the first place. but, you notice - yes, you will. how he scowls at the way he talks to other people, how he spares the other glances when he isn't looking and the way he lingers in the other's attention when it's thrown his way. though he tries to hide it, he can't. and just knowing that he may carry a little soft spot for yeonsu scares jungseok less, because he knows, just knows that he absolutely, positively can't fall in love - and if he just so happens to, it just can't be with a man. let alone yeonsu.
RELATIONSHIP WITH SECOND LOVE INTEREST: there's not much of an interaction considering they hardly know each other, nor have they ever talked. but, it's not hard to miss the slight attraction. although kyungsoo's voice isn't anything compared to yeonsu's (as what jungseok thinks), he does feel that pang interest. kyungsoo just seems different from the others, as yeonsu is himself. but, this human is quiet. not loud, nor does he strive for attention. and if jungseok wasn't already dedicated with what he has or who he is - he might just try to get to know the other.
SECOND LOVE INTEREST ENDING: nope - but, makes for a good love rival yes??
FANCLUB AND COLOR: twilight / twilights ; he's the darkness, they're the light and they'll luminate his sky no matter how dark +  #669999  
pandemonium x es interactions
kyugeum and yeonsu appearance - haneul and jungseok are angry-as- (w/ murderous intentions)
mc's picking on jungseok
finding an anti-es page that has like, haters everywhere (esp. for jungseok?? LOOL)
jungseok rejecting yeonsu, and conflicts occur
when he finally realizes what he feels for yeonsu - and like, regrets it because what's he going to do?
getting caught in what looks to be an affair with kyunsoo (but, it isn't)
yeonsu and kyugeum duet
weekly idol---
typical, cliche kiss-you-to-shut-you-up-scene
someone getting injured during combat
jungseok calls sunwoo a stupid cat
jungseok calling yeonsu a vixen
jungseok getting all squirmy and shy when yeonsu initiates skinship
yeonsu brings in a bug and tries to show jungseok ("look! isn't it a darling-" "hOLY GET AWAY FROM ME YOU----"
put them on running man and i will die happy 


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