More Evidence That the World Hates Me (aka. reasons why i haven't updated as much recently)

I blogged a little while ago about how my workload was unbelievable and how I would start writing and getting a headstart on fututre chapters but that hasn't happened.
Actually I came to my mum's house yesterday from my dad's and my eyes were sore. I'd woken up and they were gunked tpgether (yesterday) and they were sore all day but I thought I probably was just tired. Anyway, about 5pm yesterday they got really painful, like someone was simultaneously rubbing chilli powder and vinegar into them and then chopping onions to make me cry. Theyw ere drying out and then getting really teary and they were bright red in and around my eye. I started to get blurred vision so Mum ended up driving me to hospital.
I somehow managed to get a really bad eye infection... which is unlucky in one eye and just pure torture in both eyes and I (being the idiot I am) somehow managed to contract it in both eyes. I'd post pics, but ewww... ask visinel though, I sent her a pic and I look a bit like something from the exorcist.
I'm on high antibiotics and painkillers at the moment, so I'm not in as much pain, but the cream that they've given for my eye makes my vision blurred and looking at screens for too long dries themout. I can write, but I have to take a break every 20 minutes and I can't see the screen/keyboard that clarly so it'll take a lot longer. Stressful and annoying since I'm home alone and I can barely read, write or even get on with university asessments!!!
So yeah. More evidence to the fact that I am cleary not destined to write fanfiction.


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Oh no :( I really hope you feel better! Eye infections are the worst.
Damn, hope you're healing well. I dont have an infection, but I've had a really bad flu the last 3 days:( its slowly getting better but I just don't think I can think clearly to write for my fic as well. :/ let's get better fast!
Oh my gosh, my brother had a bad eye infection once. Hope you get better!
Yes guys, she does look like she‘s just been exorcised.
omg that's bad :( Hope you get better soon! :) Take care of yourself ^^
That_Inspirit #6
Omg that sounds really bad. I had an eye infection once but I got rid of it in a a couple of days. Although mine not have been severe, I still know what it's like. Hope you feel better! *hugs*
Ugh, that sounds terrible. I remember getting pink eye and thought that . Must be terrible to have infections in both eyes. I hope you get better soon and don't worry about writing and updating when you can't do so. Take care of your health first.
hotterthanasummer #8
oh, hugs for you >.< that sounds horrid
I am so sorry, that sounds like pure torture >.< I hope you feel better soon, I am so sorry <3<3<3 *hugs*
Owww that :///
I hope you get better soon! /sends all her good health vibes/ I had some infection in one eye last year, and I can't imagine how worse it would be having it in both... uf!
So take care of your eyes!!!
Hope you feel better soon! ^^
Whoa there >.< I hope you'll get better soon *pout*