Confession of an E.L.F


Someone special who could it be,

They’re the inspiration for me.

So I wrote this poem just to state,

That Super Junior, they really are great.


They are sometimes evil but mostly caring

And their eyes always smiling.

And when they’re on stage,

You feel like an animal who wants to get out of her cage.


They can make you crazy when they dance

As if you’re in trance

When they sing on their best,

You’re heart want to leaps out of your chest.


I can never lie

They’re the most perfect guys

And even if they come to an end,

I’ll always be 슈퍼주니어’s Ever Lasting (Girl) Friend.Someone special who could it be,

They’re the inspiration for me.

So I wrote this poem just to state,

That Super Junior, they really are great.


They are sometimes evil but mostly caring

And their eyes always smiling.

And when they’re on stage,

You feel like an animal who wants to get out of her cage.


They can make you crazy when they dance

As if you’re in trance

When they sing on their best,

You’re heart want to leaps out of your chest.


I can never lie

They’re the most perfect guys

And even if they come to an end,

I’ll always be 슈퍼주니어’s Ever Lasting (Girl) Friend.Someone special who could it be,

They’re the inspiration for me.

So I wrote this poem just to state,

That Super Junior, they really are great.


They are sometimes evil but mostly caring

And their eyes always smiling.

And when they’re on stage,

You feel like an animal who wants to get out of her cage.


They can make you crazy when they dance

As if you’re in trance

When they sing on their best,

You’re heart want to leaps out of your chest.


I can never lie

They’re the most perfect guys

And even if they come to an end,

I’ll forever be Super Junior’s Ever Lasting Girl Friend.


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that's the poem i made for English....
vanadium_elmm #2
nice naman... Haha, you should make this an entry...