Something That Deeply Annoys Me...

I just read an article about Ellen Page coming out as gay.

Now, this has nothing really to do with that (good for her and all) but is about a few things with this that I'm annoyed at.


One: why do you really need an article about a celebrity coming out? 

Sadly, that's the world we live in. And it freaking annoys me that just because someone is gay it had to be put into an article? Ugh.


Two: The comments that arrive afterwards.

And no, I'm not talking about the homophobic people that are around. 

I'm talking about the people that write comments, like this: 'that makes her more awesome!' - this freaking bugs me. Why, WHY does it make her more awesome? Just because she's gay she's automatically better now? No. Gay people aren't better than straight people. And certainly not the other way around. Does this make her a better actress? No. So instead of talking about how she's a better person or something like that, how about just focusing on her acting talents - and just ignoring her personal life?


Of course, if any of you have any different views feel free to comment.

This just annoyed me way too much.


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omo~ I totally understand! I'm biual, but I hate the whole gay pride thing. like why do you have to be proud? straight people aren't proud that they like the opposite ! Or when people put the fact that they are gay all up in your face. its really not that big of a deal! It's like there is so much more to a person than their uality, like just because your LGBT, that shouldn't consume who you are! ...sorry for the rant, it just annoys me lol...
I think when people say it kakes her better, they just mean that she has more courage than a lot of other homouals out there who haven't came out yet. But overall I agree with you. The article thing is a bit over the top. But it's probably just to encourage other people to be themselves & to appeal to the gay community.
I don't see how this matters. I mean so what? She definitly ain't the first gay person and just cuz your gay doesn't mean you need an article written and that doesn't make you any better than everyone else.
Must be an old article. And I think what people mean by 'more awesome' is maybe like saying she's brave for coming out? IDK lol. I love Ellen. But because she's funny, I don't care if she's gay
Ellen..the one that has a show? She already came out years ago with her wife. So...
(Je sais, c'est très stupide. )

I've gotta confess something too...I'm melting in the comment box.
Someone's personality is not determined by their uality, I totally agree with you.
With celebrities coming out, it gives more queer kids role models. Living in a world where most mainstream media is heteronormative, it helps kids feel less alien to see that they aren't the only person out there like that. There is not enough queer representation in today's media. Especially if the person is part of the lgbtqa spectrum which is not lgb. I can count the number of out nonbinary celebrities on one hand. It also opens up discussion. If somebody's role model comes out as panual, people may try to educate themselves.
And the comments, some of them are queer ization (which is disgusting), but I think most of them are just supportive. There are very few places where people can come out and not be discriminated against.
People will talk about celebrities personal lives no matter what. its something that cannot be avoided.
also, there's the person's feelings. Coming out is like a weight being lifted (pardon the cliche). Theres so much anxiety and paranoia about being closeted.
Yeah and then theres this one group from x factor (not one direction but the other one that have 4 members and one member is george i think?) Theres one gay member in that group and when he come out about his uality people trended on twitter to support him and the group and im like ?????? Why would people start supporting his singing career bc of his uality?
kimsfangirl #10
yah..That was quite annoying
I actually couldnt agree more. The world we live in where ual orientation has more matter than anything.
I was just talking to my friend about the same thing. of course it's awesome that she doesn't have to hide who she is anymore, but why does a person need to actively declare "yeah, I'm gay"? straight people don't have to make a public statement saying they're straight so why should it be any different? I wish no one ever had to come out and instead they'd be allowed to just... be.