What about an AFF app?




Can you imagine how awesome it would be if AFF would make an app?

Some Ideas:

possible icon:

-It would enable saving stories on it, so you can read them offline (you can already do that more or less, but now it's in an app, wich is easy to find and things like that)

-you would be able to get notifications directly on your device

-the format would be much, much better than it is now on mobile (seriously, it is still killing me somethimes)

-one of the things I would want the most is being able to write in it while you're offline and when you go online, it would automatically update your story! I mean, c'mon, when i write something it's always on all kinds of random pieces of paper or in my phone's notes (and when i copy-paste it into the site afterwards, i have to keep press enter because it's just one chunk of words (plus, i'll have to do that on my computer for some weird reason).).

-the possibilities are endless!!!

Please, anyone who hears my prayers, help me fullfill my dream! I'd be rich LOL. No, but seriously, the people behind this site could earn A LOT of money with this, and i don't understand why they didn't do it already.

So, who's with me?

(and if this already exists, please link me TT_TT)

((C'mon, aff, you'll be rich!! and you'll be reaching an even larger public, thus gain popularity!!! so, what are you waiting for?))



omg they are going to make one!!!! finally!!!!!




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