a wall around one's heart

Warning: this post contains some deep , wich is just some written down thoughts of mine, so if you are searching for some romantic bull, you don't want to read this, but if you feel like reading some filosofy of mine, go ahead



someone once said to me that most people, when they grow up, build walls around their heart, so, when they are adults, words or deeds can't hurt them as hard. Young people haven't finished building these walls yet, so they get hurt more easily.

Somethimes, i try to startle my parents, by suddenly jumping them or suddenly yelling really hard, but they don't even flinch most of the time, while my brother woul jump out of his skin and start screaming. Also, when i show them something that is really funny, they they (almost) never laugh as hard as i do (this isn''t always true; i have seen them laugh really hard, they just don't always laugh about something I think is funny). I think this is caused by that same wall; it blocks the bad as well as some of the good impressions from outside.

Some people make their walls really strong and put a lot of energy into building them because of bad things that happen to them during the time they are building them. And of course you also have people that are raised so secluded of the outside world and harm, they don't see the need for these walls and only make really thin ones that are easily broken down. Of course, one can work to strengthen his walls during his lifetime, but this is probably a lot more painfull than forging them when they are still bendable.

I think, people who are suffering from depression have constructed their walls wrongly; they only have a thin layer, keeping out what they shouldn't and letting through what they were supposed to keep out. I can't tell if this is correct, as i don't know what depression is (i have no expierience whatsoever, i haven't seen depressed people, this is based on the image i have made about the understanding 'depression')

I am also busy building, and i feel a lot of impact on them from words. Some things people say leave deep impressions on me and are carved into my memory. This doesn't have to be negative; some pieces of advice never leave my the back of my head, ready to jump at me when needed.

Young people need this; they need that knowledge to be able to evade possible blows on their walls and they need to receive it when they are young, because when their walls are completed, the advice won't reach as deep and maybe even bouce off, deserting them.

A person spends a lifetime building his walls.



Wow, i just realised this would be an awesome theme for a fanfic. (you are free to use it, since i don't feel like it ;)


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