Home Sweet Home

I've just arrived home at my dad's house and I am so exhaustive but so happy. I actually only live like 90 minute Away from my home town but I see my family once every two or three months.  

It's fun living away from home and after two years I am getting a lot more used to it,  but there's nothing like being around to bicker with my younger stepbrothers and eat home cooked meal and get on with my own things without my housemates yelling at me. I feel like I act much more like a kid when I'm at home and it's a reprieve from being the mature adult I have to be at university. 

Plus, I can write more! Tonight is family time and tomorrow I'm catching up with friends but I can write loooooads after that! I'm actually going to try and get ahead on a few stories! 

I'm such a homebody! 




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'There's no place like home' is so true <3
I love to travel but that first night back in my own bed is like... bliss <3