Advice again!

So my friend has a problem and I need help.

The problem is she accidently fell in love with her best friend thats already taken. Whats worse is that the best friend also likes her back. He feels confused because he loves his girlfriend yet he loves my friend also. What should they do?

Please comment below thanks (:


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He should choose what and who he wants quickly before anyone gets hurt. (emotionally I mean.). Your friends should take their past into consideration. You said he loves his gf but likes her as well. Not being biased to your side but he should be with your friend. If he liked his girlfriend THAT MUCH then he wouldn't/shouldnt ve thinking about other girls like that.
Sorry if that made no sense but yhhh....
I think he should just choose what he wants. He already knows the answer but he's scared that it might hurt the other person badly or hurt himself more. It's not a hard answer just look at it as which one do you really want to be with. If your feelings are growing more to gf or best friend then you know then you know you want to be with her.
if you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second.