This day was not worth it

Our school's student council . Some of you may know from what school I came from, the school beside my dream school. 3 Anyway, you would never know how annoying our student council is. They are called Sanggu, short for Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral.


Today was our Intrams, something not that festively celebrated. It was a required event, meaning we have to sign our attendance. They said that it would begin by 8:30 a.m. But there was no announcements as to where we will sign our attendance. We waited until by 9 a.m., we found it. We lined up for more than 30 minutes. By 9:35, they closed the room where the attendance signing will be held. They yelled that we have to attend the opening ceremony. Do you know what's the more annoying thing? They yelled and got angry at us. It was like it was our fault when they were the ones who were late. Me and my other friends yelled for them to hear that they were the ones who were late. Oh yeah, it was posted that we only have to pay 5 pesos for the entrance fee. We paid 10 pesos! LIARS.


Next to that, after going to the opening ceremony, we stood in the line, under the sun. T.T We were lucky that the line was faster. After that, me and my friend went to our school's Internet Center where we used up our two hours (you only have a time limit of two hours per use). We ate lunch afterwards then went back to the Internet Center. By 3:30, our glee club president sent us a text message saying that our call time was 4. So, we went there.


We waited for Sanggu to come. By 4, nothing was happening, so we began to change outfits and get ready. Just a funny thing, i spent 30 minutes, trying to apply this eye shadow my mom bought me from Etude house. XD I used my fingers because it doesn't have that.. uhm, what do you call that thing you use that has sponge? Whatever it is, that was missing. As I've failed, I asked my friend to do my eye make up who was able to do it in 5 minutes. XD Anyway, by 5:30, it was only the time we were able to have a technical run. And the doors open at 5:50. You know how annoying it is that the glee club was only able to do two runs? 


Fast forward, one of the staffs was panicking, arranging everything. One instance, I was watching the performer before us, then suddenly, the mic she was holding hit my head. She didn't even reply, just cursed. I didn't apologized. Why would I? Then after the performance, I looked for food, because since 6 p.m., I've been looking for food. We were done performing by 7:30. I kept asking my co-members if we have food. They said they saw food near the exit of the backstage, so we went there. Me and my two friends asked if we have food. Suddenly, the Sanggu president came. I asked her if we have food. She answered that there was no food for us, but there was for the staff. 


We weren't asking for McDonald's, just like what the staff has. Just a sandwich would be okay. JUST A FREAKIN' SANDWICH FOR 18 MEMBERS (because the glee club has 18 members). Well, if you add the others, maybe about 50 or maybe more people? But it's just a sandwich. We were only given a small cupcake. T.T


Then by the time we get home, one of my blockmates posted about what CommSoc (Communication Society, my course's org) said. They will send letters regarding the org's Team Building seminar and that they will collect 2,500 pesos, which is about 58-59 US Dollars perhaps. THEY SAID IT'S A REQUIRED ACTIVITY FOR ALL COMMUNICATION STUDENTS. I don't even want to go because it's expensive. Yes, the place is nice, but I will not spend 2,500 pesos on an overnight trip with more than 400 students from different levels. That money can be used to others. I'd rather have a sanction than pay for that expensive.


I hate our school. Almost every event is required. Then if you don't comply, you'll get a sanction. Sanctions can either be an alternative activity, working hours, give donations or pay. I'd rather donate than pay because at least I know someone else will benefit for it. I don't want to pay because I don't know where the money goes to.


Politics is politics. Philippine Politics is dirty... well, maybe sometimes... but we'll never know.


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ahaha.. And i feel how you feel.. Even we attend different schools.