The EXO Host Club!!



I just wanna share this.

So guys, I think you probably heard about The EXO Host Club event but if you haven't then I think you're missing out. :P The event's going to be on Feb 16 in SMX Aura from 11am till 7pm.

For those who didn't know what it is or what would probably happen, here a simple explanation(?). So 12 cosplayers will be EXO, and do you guys know the anime Ouran High School Host Club? It's pretty much it but the cosplayers/OTPs will be the ones serving you. If you don't know the anime I mentioned, then google it. :)

There'll be games and booths and other s. :P Then from what I've heard, there would be an auction(?), a bidding something like that for the cosplayers, and if you win you get to dance waltz with them! 

I'm not sure if they are still selling tickets. I posted a question on the event page, but I still haven't received a reply. And from what I read, they're not going to sell ticket at the event. :(

My friends and I are going to be there. So to those who'll be there, SEE YOU! :)

If you're coming, COMMENT or PM, then maybe we could meet or something! Yay more friends! :D

Till my next blog post! - RiksiRixa



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Oh my gosh that sounds really cool! Is Exo really going to be there though?