Tornado Warning... in ENGLAND?!

So I just had to share this. 

So recently the weather has been awful,  like pouring rain,  some snow and gale force winds. We just had a phone call from our landlord warning us that my area is under tornado warnings! This isn't totally unheard of for my area but it's still sooooo rare, like I've heard of tornados in my area about 2-3times in my life. The winds are picking up niw! They're blowing the curtains and doors open and shut even though they're completely shut! I'm so shocked and actually a little scared because we're also under very high flood risk (the water on our street is getting quite high).  


I'm meant to be travelling home (1.5hr drive) on Friday evening but I'm worried that my dad won't be able to travel to me because of the weather. 


Gah! It's frustrating because it's so loud and trees and tiles and bins are being blown everywhere! 


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Stay safe and strong dear!
My place also under the condition of awful weather but fortunately my area is okay, though it'a flooding everywhere around sime of the other area
I hope you'll be okay and pray for your safety >.<
UGH that is not cool, I hope you're safe >.<
That sounds really bad.
I hope you take care and try to stay in a safe place ;A;
Oh my gosh! I'm in the same situation! I live in England too and omfg the weather is bad! ;-;
Stay save and take care ;.;
I know how you feel though we are safe here in swiss at the moment last year we had a horrible storm and it felt like we were going to die. And the windows and door broke opend and glass was shaterred anywere and water searched its way in. So i feel you fear, it may sound ridicilous but just stay calm and yeah be save. I think of you<3
evangeline101 #7
Omg that sounds so scary...please be safe and don't get hit by random flying tree trunks or something because it'll be a shame if someone as awesome as you gets stuck in the hospital^^

Evangeline /blows you a kiss/
WHAT....OMG....the flooding I knew about but tornados....your right that is so rare....I went through that hurricane back in 87 and my mum tells me I slept through it....I was like a baby okay?
Anyway, I know it's gonna be a monster or anything but keep away from windows etc and stay indoors.
Hopefully it just sticks to gale force winds...
I thought it was windy enough here!
Keep safe Jade! I went through Hurricane Haiyan so hopefully it'll be okay for you :) Prepare for the power to get cut off because of the winds that look like they're playing a game of tug of war lol.

Anyway, hope you'll be safe!
Oh my god. Be careful unnie >.< I don't want you to get hurt, or your dad. Make sure the weather will be fine on friday and have a nice time with your family ;;
I hope nothing bad happens... Ah, and here I was complaining because it's hot (and it's not even really hot).
Take care!<3