Today is not a good day....

So I had a phone call from the computer place and it's the mother board. They said several things I didn't really understand but the crux is my laptop is kaput.

I am going to have to find the funds to buy a new one... luckily all my data is retrievable otherwise I would be having a panic attack right now. Using my housemates laptop right now because she doesn't need it for the day. Normally I can't use it because she is writing her dissertation which is very important (obviously) and she takes it with her to uni and work.

This means until I get a new laptop, which could take a couple of weeks depending on how long it takes for me to get money, I will be on a hiatus. I hate the idea of being on one. Its being forced on me though because I have no way to write. I can't write on my phone - it hates me. I can't write in the library cos that is really weird. I might be able to write on this laptop but only a couple of hours here and there when its not being used.

I am working on a fic though, because I had only written down the prompt not anything else so I don't feel weird about starting it. I'll have to see which comes first... my laptop or this oneshot. I am writing it more because I am scared that I will fall out of the habit of writing than anything else.

Anyway I will have to go tell everyone on my (2) fics the bad news *sigh*


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oh is it the one we talked about for jan/feb?
i'm sorry bb >><<

write on notebooks? when I dont have my laptop or tab I always ise good old-fashioned pencil and paper ^^
bookworm83197 #2
Well, even the best laid plans of mice and men go oft awry...I'm sorry about your laptop! :( At least all of your info's retrievable...It would really if you'd lost all of your data.
Good luck with your writing! I'm sure you'll stay an awesome writer. :) Do you have a small notebook, one of those $1 ones? You could carry that and a pen around, and just whip it out to write down ideas or random drabbles about what's around you. :)
Don't disparage yourself for only having two fics!!! At least they're both well written, thoughtful fics.
*Also. YOU. YOU GOT ME INTERESTED IN 步步惊心!!! WAI DID YOU DO THAT?! ;~; NOW I AM CERTIFIED TO NOT HAVE A NIGHT OF REST UNTIL I (start and) FINISH WATCHING BOTH SERIES! ;~; (I'm guessing the second series will be out by the time I finish the first? XD)
Hwaiting authornim! Stay strong! We'll all be cheering for you! \o\\o//o/