Random Blog about... Life, I Guess.

Hi! So i've been missing from AFF or the last few days. I've popped my head in to say hi and read when I can but I've not really had the time to dedicate to much more than that.
Actually, I usually stay up until about 2am every night on AFF writing and reviewing and reading, but I've had early morning starts at university every day and they always exhaust me, so I usually have naps in the afternoon and then spend a few hours doing university work before I sleep, ready for another early morning start the next day. 
I'm spending all of my free time on university work because I go home on Friday for 10 days and I want all of my work completed to a first draft level so I don't have to worry too much when I'm at home. This means I can spend next week with my family and hopefully I can get ahead on some of my fics :3 So yeah, don't hate me if I don't update at all until Friday and don't worry about me if I'm not around enough :P
On another note, I've been receiving grades back these past few days. Before, my average was 45% which was a pass, but not a great mark. My average needs to be 55% for the whole year to get onto the intergrated masters course that I want to get onto. 
My first piece of work graded this week was 52% (and it was a scientific report which I am so weak at!)
My second was 58% (I was expecting 50% at most.)
My third was 63% 
My fourth was 66%.
Though the two higher grades are for less important work, worth maybe 5 or so credits of my 120 credit module, but still. 
Now it may seem low for people that don't know the system (is it different in other places?) but 65% is a mid 2:1 grade, which is a very good score, bearing in mind that above 70% is a first and above 80% (in everything) is a first with honors. I'm aiming for a 2:1 overall.
Currently my average is sitting at like 54% but i think I can so easily pull this up to abover 60% with the rest of the year and my summer exams!!!
I'm just a lot more motivated now that I'm sleeping and eating better!
Actually the rest of my year is going to be sooooo relaxed. I go home for 10 days on the 14th and then I have another 3 weeks of term (semester) until my easter break starts on 14th of March. Then I have 6 weeks of break before I go on field work to Tenerife for 1 week which is also a bit of a holiday. After that, I have a few assessments and revision lectures but then it's 3 weeks off before my exams start! So really, including Tenerife, i have about 4 or 5 weeks of actual courses left!
I'm just looking forward to 5 months of summer holidays once my exams are over, definitely!



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hotterthanasummer #2
hey, would you mind pimping this?
Wow! That's impressive, I can't wait for the holidays too haha.
hotterthanasummer #4
volcanologists go on field work in tenerife |D none too shabby
Awz, lucky, I have break next week, but for only for a week. And then I have two full months until another a week break.. And then two more months until summer... And even then it's two months less than yours
ooooh you get to go to Tenerife?? Niiice...though I suppose it is for school work.
I am glad your feeling more positive and chilled....
and I am glad your keeping up with uni work <3
I am so proud of you dongsaeng!!! Your grades are doing good! i know you can do it!
Well it's good to hear from you!!