
So... I did not get a spot through the International Center either. Seems like no one wants me. Now is the question of whether or not to use 250 US dollars to take a language test and then hope that I get a high enough score to be able to apply directly to 2-3 universities of my choice. If I don't get a high enough score, it's wasted money. If I do get a high enough score and just is not accepted at the universities, it's wasted money. I feel like I've been punched. 


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bookworm83197 #1
You know, this is one of the times that I feel that bureaucracy is one of the stupidest things in the world. Sure it helps organize things, but someone with English as good as yours shouldn't be limited in choices of universities because of it.
I hope that you'll be able to get into one of your chosen schools! I'd say go for it, because you never know what will happen, and if you don't take the test, it may end up one of the things you regret later on in life. At least, if you take the test and apply, you won't be left wondering about "if only's" for the rest of your life.
One thing is for certain, though: No matter what happens, we'll always be here to cheer you on. :)
Aw! That's too bad, Ida. I'm so sorry you didn't get a spot. :(
There's always a reason though. Maybe it's just not the right time.
:/ why didn't you get it?
I don't understand... you're awesome at english!