
Hey there subscribers, I just want to briefly update you.. Im on my way to the hospitol right now due for a very high fever,occassionally almost fainting, Laryngitis, and random pain that switches location and hurts so bad I cant move it.. such as my leg earlier when I had to limp around for two hours. Depending on how bad all of this is.. (because medicane isn't working right) I may end up needing lung surgery.. not sure. So I'm very sorry but all of my fictions must go on a short break until I'm well enough to control my emotion(crying and not knowing the reason why..) or at least am a little better. I'm so sorry guys! Ill try to update asap >_<


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Riri as your friend here is where I say no >:I do not update asap....update when you are 100% well :D Get betta soon!!!!! I will text to check up on you!
OMO OMO OMO Please heal and it's ok if you don't update you are in pain! Take as long as you wan to heal back and when you feel 100% come back. Nobody should rush you to update when you are in pain like this. Heal alot and be healthy!! HWAITING!!!!