What to do...

Well poop. It could just be the fact I havent been to school in awhile, or the fact theres nothing to do here ._. But as of right now I have no inspiration/motivation to write ;_;. I feel so bad because it's been awhile since I've updated my fics >_< But i really want them to be good, not just y whatever work... As you can probably guess where this is going, I have writers block e.e and normally it passes after a day or two and I can continue.. however this time it's already been a week ;_; and I still have no inspiration? -sigh- These real world problems... so pesky. Well >.< I can promise one thing.. my fics will be updated very soon hopefully and I appologize deeply for the wait ;_; I am currently on a quest to get motivation.. so please bear with me for awhile~ I will be updating a double update no matter what for Unexpected on New Years because I don't wanna keep ya'll waiting too long, that and it's new years PSHH, How could I not update? As for Ice Cream Shop~ An update will be comming on the second of January :3. Highschool and Beyond will began on the 6th of January because I go back to school on the 7th xD So It'll be a good chance to start everything up again~ And if you haven't, one of my best friend's stories can always use more readers xD So go read The Flirting Game!! (and her other little projects :o hehe). Also I'm really addicted to 4Minute right now o.o for whatever reason.. (And Vixx..) Mainly just this week ._. like super addiction, but if that appears in any of my fics... that's why xD My writing is influenced by what music I have on.. and I never turn it off :3 So heheheh

Anyway xD I can go on for hours about random crap like the Exo dream I had last night.. It was a good dream :3 But that isn't why i made this blog xD So I've said what i need to~ I'm Out! 

Baiii :D Expect things soon!!



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