This is a month late but idc: My favorite song of 2013

Voodoo Doll by VIXX

I can't describe how much I love this song.

The mv as well.

But for real...


To me. In my opinion.

It's better then every single song made in 2013.

That means EXO's and B.A.P's and SHINee's.

I seriously don't understand why I love the song so much.

It's just the song I've been waiting for my whole life. Lol.

I always want to listen to it.

Whenever it comes on I put it on repeat for hours.

I have done this with others songs of course, but they have never lasted as long as this.

Ive been in love with this song since it came out, ok? 

Thats a pretty good time length to be obsessing over one song.


Voodoo Doll is my pick.


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Me too. The mv and the song was great. I even got my classmates to watch it and dayummmm, they talked about it for days. ;)
YES! I totally agree, that's definitely my favourite song/video/dance. So much gore yis I want moar!
Voodoo doll was amazing but kill bill stole the cake for me
I FEEL THE SAME WAY! I love all of Vixx's songs tbh but Voodoo Doll is too beautiful!! They deserved the win for it! (although i think they should have won way before voodoo doll lol)