Riding out the Winds


User Information

Username: siti_nktc

Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/51618

Character Information

Name: Jang In Ho

Gender: Male

Age: 22 Years Old

Birthday: 30/04/1989

Orientation: Homoual

Ethnicity: Korean

Birth place: Seoul, South Korea

Home town: Jeju-do, South Korea


In Ho is just a pretty face guy, that always can make everyone fall in love with him. He always appear with his happy mode. He doesn't have well-built body.(even though people tell him that he body is okay) To him, well-built body must have muscle, biscep and triscep. In Ho is only 5'10" and his weight is 63.2kg. His body are made prefectly to fit his ideal type. And also a prefect type for girls. He has muscle but not too much. The only muscle that can been seen clearly is his abs. He has 6 pack abs since he like to work up even in his room. He really good in sports.

In Ho face has more feminine features than masculine. With his sweet smile, sometimes it can make him mistaken as girls. His voice is not rough like a guy, somehow his voice soft but not like girl. His jaw line and his mouth shape make his feminine side more stand out more than his masculine side. He don't like to show his forehead to people so he decided to make his hair longer to cover his forehead. Nothing wrong with his forehead, it just he has a scar that he when he was still a small kid. (fall from stairs)

He only wear earing on his right ear. He is a boy/guy that free from tattoos. His eyes is dark brown but people always seen his eyes black. His true eyes color only can be seen when someone look really deeply in his eyes or use torch light to see it. His skin is not the type that easily change color even if he stay at the sun light for 5 hours. He has fair skin like a normal Korean. In Ho hair color was also dark brown. He never dye his hair, not even once. His hair was natural color. It was soft and shine under light. He is a left-hand and right-hand. He can use both of his hand to write or do anything. But he mostly like to use left hand for paint and right hand for write. He always appear with a wrist band at his arm. And he always wear sneaker to go everywhere.

Appearance Links:

~ One

~ Two

~ Three


In Ho maybe appear like the most perfect guy that you ever met. But the truth is he is the most forgetful guy that you ever met. He is good at remembering thing in just short time but he also good at forgetting people names. Sometime he even forget his friend name that he knew for years.

He like to be taken care by people and he also like to take care people. He maybe seem like an irresponsible guy at first. But after a while knowing him. He is the most person that we can rely on. He always be there when we have problem.

He behavior are mostly the same. He always appear in happy mood. He rarely seem to be moody or cold toward anyone. But that side of him do appear when he in really a bad day.

He don't like when people talk bad about his friend. He really a hot temper guy. So people that want to talk bad about him or his friend or family SHOULD think twice. Or they might ended up to face the most unwanted side of In Ho that no one want to see it.

He don't like to do something complicated that make him use his brain to think really hard. He prefer to do think without thinking than do thing that need a lot of thinking.

He like to eat everything that people cook for him. Give him everything that you cook. Then he will eat it and comment if you want him to comment.

He will sleep early when he need to do something in the next morning. When there are nothing to do in the next morning, he will stay up all night or he will sleep really late like 5 am.

He like to smile to everyone even to a stranger. He will always smile when he notice someone watching him. For him a smile can made the day better.

He don't like to cry in front of someone. He just can't. When he in front of someone his tears won't come out even if he feel really want to cry. But when he alone he will cry all out until all the load on his shoulder gone.

In Ho is a person that always positive and always confident in doing something. He will try to make the best even if the result not good, he will make himself believe that in life there is always second chance. To him failure is the mother of success. And to him, without failure people can't learn how to be better in life.

In Ho is also a guy that can always feel curios and excited about everything. He just cannot hold his desires to know about everything in the world. Because to him, everything in the world is something that is myterious but not scary at all. He even like to know about paranormal thing and he also want to see it. (overload curiousity)





~ MP3

~ Wristband

~ Sneaker

~ Skinship with guy (kekeke)

~ Food

~ Ddeokbokki

~ Ice Tea

~ Animals

~ Water/Snow

~ People reaction

~ Paranormal thing

~ Bag pack


~ Thick makeup

~ Bad hair day

~ Lightning

~ Blackout

~ Seeing somebody cry or sad

~ Bullies

~ Coffee

~ Fake cuteness

~ Nobody give him food/ No food

~ History

~ Alcohol

~ Smokes (any type of smoke)

~ Being last in something


~ Listen to music

~ Observe people

~ Swimming

~ Eat anything

~ Hug his best friend

~ Wonder around the neighbourhood

~ Sigh (his daily routine)



Basically, we can say that In Ho has a normal life when he was a child. But his normal life ended when he reach purberty. He knew at that time he has not longer attract to girl. He more attracted to guy. When he was in junior high school, he has fall in love and make the guy become his. But after they had been together for a month, many people knew about the relationship. Girls and guy keep talking about them. So his boyfriend decided to leave him because he cannot stand what other people think about. At that time, it was like the end of the world for him. He has nobody to support him, since his parent always busy with work. His parent know about his relationship, they just approve it as long it can make their only son happy. But when they knew about the break up and people talk bad about him. They send him to live with his grandparent.

His grandparent was a sweet couple. They the only one that can always be there for him. But when he reach there, he locked himself in his room. He don't want to talk to anybody even to his best friend, Jae Hyun that live at there. At that time, he really needs his parent to be with him and he also wish that his boyfriend were with him to say that everything will be fine and don't worry because they will protect him. But in the reality is not like what he want, when he look around him, he just see empty room. He even can hear his own breathe. He keep himself alone until his grandparent and Jae Hyun came and persuade him. He finally gave up and decided to tell them what happen. At first he expect that they will feel disgust with him. But they tell him everything will be fine, so don't need to be worry about everything because they are there for him.

In Ho cry really hard when he heard they talk like that. His grandparent left him with Jae Hyun, they know it the right thing to do at that time. All night long, In Ho was in Jae Hyun arm. Jae Hyun didn't say anything but just let his best friend cry until he feel better. The next morning, Jae hyun wake up and see In Ho was still in his arm ,cuddle closer toward him to warm his body.

After that In Ho always be with Jae Hyun and become his normal self back. From that moment, he keep his orientation as his "little" secret between he and his close person. Since then he promise to himself to not be a weak person. (except in front his love) He want to be a strong guy. So he make a promise with Jae Hyun that he will always be happy and never cry in front other people except him. (weird promise)

Ideal Type:

 In Ho like someone that taller than him and more masculine than him. When he in a relationship with someone, he has a desires to be the girlfriend of that guy. (Weird right? kekeke) Not acting like a girl, but he want the guy to love him and give him protection. He want someone that he can rely on. Someone that can pat his head, that give him back hug, that can always say that everything will be okay, that will help him when he in trouble, and someone that can make his heart beat faster by any chance. He want someone that can be mature and childish at the same time. He want someone that has well-built body since his body is not so well-built. Maybe someone like Nickhun or Chansung 2PM. (too high request right. it just example) In Ho also LOVE someone that hard to predict.(curiousity) He also LOVE someone that romantic and always give him sweet smile. (he LOVE to been pampere by that guy) Since he like to pretending sulk in front the one he love, he need someone that can persuade him.


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