Cheon-Joo High School, The Underrated Light-Music Club

Contact Information

AFF username: siti_nktc

E-mail: [email protected]


Character Information

Character Name: No In Young

Nickname: Niny or Oyu

Birthdate: April 19

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Height: 170.2 cm

Weight: 53.6 kg


About Yourself


In Young was a sweet charismatic person. She always trying to be kind toward everyone. Her charisma stand out the most when she involve in something or when she helping someone. Even though her appearence look girlish, her personality are FAR from that. She was more behave like a guy than girl. She mostly like by girls more than boys. There was a time, she found a girl crying because her knee bleeding. Without second thought, In Young piggyback the girl and treated her. When the time needed, she can be the most mature person you ever met. But if other than that, she is really childish.

In Young was really confident. Every decision she make, she never think twice and never feel a sense of regret. Most of her talk based on fact and sense. Because of her confident, she always been force to be the leader. She try to reject it, but seeing their eyes with full of hope. She just can't. It hard for her to disappointed them. And because of that she has become one of the popular student in the school. The factor of her popularity is also because she has the handsome Hyunseong and the adorable Minwoo. And the fact that she has the prince-like attitude. To tell the truth, if she has to pick between ordinary and popular. She will pick ordinary. She admit popular is fun but it also tiring.

In Young really like fight or pranking her bestfriend. They always do that when they meet. Maybe to other they look kind of harsh, but for Hyunseong and In Young it was like a secret language between both of them. In Young also a really forgetful person. Example, she always forgot to brought her lunch. So most of the time Minwoo always the one that brought the lunch for her. In Young really love her family and her friends. She will do anything if someone try to messed wih them. She never care the consequense of her action. She won't think twice to hurt anyone that messed with them. She always has weird thought like she think Minwoo is aegyo monster and she thought that Minwoo is like a magnet of her things. When she forget something, the things turn out to be with Minwoo. So we can say Minwoo play a big part in her life.


  • Ice-cream
  • Chocolate
  • MP3
  • Scary things
  • Animals
  • Wristband
  • Sneaker
  • Headphone
  • Snow/water
  • Basketball


  • Thick makeup
  • Headache
  • Lightning
  • Blackout
  • Bullies
  • Alcohol
  • No food
  • Bad hair day
  • History
  • Fake cuteness


  • Listening music
  • Playing basketball
  • Eating something
  • Write randoms things
  • Sleep in history class
  • Hug his brother
  • Watch scary film
  • Take a walk around the neighbourhood


  • Sigh for nothing
  • Her lower lip shaking when she want to cry
  • Ear turn red when she embrassed
  • Take a really deep breathe when mad
  • Play piano when she frustrated
  • Always go to high place to clear her mind


  • Blood type: O positive
  • Left-hand user
  • Get headache if wake up at 12 noon and above
  • Always give up when Minwoo use his aegyo
  • To her, Minwoo is aegyo monster
  • Always play basketball or sleep on rooftop at recess
  • Never forget her wristband
  • Always wear headphone and brought her MP3
  • She and Minwoo was the same age.

Ulzzang name: Do Hwe Ji



Family Information


In Young was born in Jeju-do. She then was raise by her grandparent and father since her mother has disappear when she was 6 months old. Her father told her about that. In Young was raise with love by everybody that near her. She always be the diamond of her family eyes. Since she was the only grandchild and the only child in the family. She was raise in rich family. Her grandparent own a successful company. One of it being taken care by her father. In Young live for 2 years without the love of mother. For In Young sake, her father married with the woman with one son that her grandparent choose. At first when In Young know that she going to get a new brother, she sulk with everyone. In Young don't want to have sibling because she know that all attention will go to her new brother. But when at the wedding. She saw her new brother, all her hate disappear. She run to her new brother and hug him tightly. She feel really happy when she saw her new adorable brother. In the way home, In Young still hug her new brother. Both of them asleep in each other arms. Now everybody in her family was in good condition. But In Young never give up. She still hope that her real mother will come and find her someday. Her little brother has grown up into a handsome guy.  

Family Members:

  • No Jun Hun
  • Grandfather
  • 59 years old
  • Own a small cafe
  • He was a smart person that know how to manipulate a situation. But he is not a bad person, he was kind. He really love his grandchildren and always wanted the best for both of them.


  • No Seul Im
  • Grandmother
  • 57 years old
  • Help her husband with his cafe
  • She was a loving woman. She has a cute side whenever she with her husband. She the one that teach the kids about their attitude. And always be fair with everyone equally.


  • No Hyun Jung
  • Father
  • 40 years old
  • CEO of No company
  • He is the cool father. He never stop his children to do anything. For him you can do anything as long as it not illegal. He always has a smile at his face. 


  • No Hye Sun
  •  Real Mother
  • 34 years old
  • Bussiness woman
  • She wae a loving mother. She never obey older people. She really love her daughter and her husband.  She was afraid to stand for herself. (She was force by In Young grandfather to disappear from their life. She was given money and force to move to US. And never came back to meet with her daughter and husband)


  • No Dae Hye
  • Step-mother
  • 35 years old
  • House wife
  • She was a patience mother. Even though at first In Young hate her, she never give up to try to approach her. She love both of her children. She never treat In Young like her step-daughter. She treat her like her real daughter like Minwoo.


  • No Minwoo
  • Step-brother
  • 16 years old
  • Student
  • He was an adorable little brother. He like to use his aegyo to In Young. He always like to be hug by In Young. He love his sister secretly. He always feel jealous when Hyunseong spent time with In Young. Everytime In Young do something wrong, he willingly to take the blame for her.


Relationship Information


Love interest:

  • Kwangmin:

He is a kind and clueless person. He slow to catch the atmosphere around him. And he also a clumsy guy that can even tripped on his own foot. He was like In Young, always has a sweet smile on his face that can even hide his true feeling. He was a forgiven person and sometimes he is to kind to everyone. His shy side come out when he was near his crush. When he want to talk with them, everything turn to mess. Then he will quickly run away from them.

They both have met each other. Kwangmin met In Young when Minwoo ask him to accompany him to basketball selection. At that time, the practice already start and Kwangmin wait Minwoo at outside. In Young, who saw Kwangmin stand alone approach him and talk with him for a while. Before In Young went to help Hyunseong, she promise to Kwangmin that they will meet and chat again next time. Since Kwangmin was her junior. Since then Kwangmin hold to her promise and determined to meet her again.

  • Nickhun:

He is really caring toward all her dongsaeng especially toward girls. Every girls can melt just by his wink. He really like to laugh. He is the type that can easilly feel excited. He feel excited even toward a small thing. He was a senior but his personality was most like junior. He really like to play. And he really love animals and kids.

They have meet before. In Young met him in front of a store. But both of them forget. In Young went to buy ice-cream for her and Hyunseong. When she came out from the store, she saw a pregnant woman struggling to put  her things into her car. So In Young went to help the lady and at the same time Nickhun came to help the lady too. Both of them leave after done helping the lady.

  • Jeongmin:

Has playboy look with a sweet personality. He is the one that take care about his look. He is a cheesy guy. He always has  words that can make girls fall for him head to toe. He has a cute eye smile when he smiling. That eye smile always make girl become crazy for him. He has really high confident in himself. He not the type that easily give up. When he want something, he will work hard for it.

They met before at shopping mall. Jeongmin accompany his mother to buy a dress for his sister birthday gift. In Young also accompany Hyunseong to buy a dress for his mother anniversary gift. Jeongmin was force to try the dress since his sister has the same size as him. When he was in the dressing out room, he forget to lock it. In Young also want to try a dress that she found. In Young walk to the unlock dressing room and open it. When she enter, she found Jeongmin half in the room. Both of them scream and In Young quickly bow and ran to Hyunseong. Jeongmin stood still with red face until his mother came back to him to ask him to try another dress.



He was In Young first chilhood friend. Hyunseong was the grandchild of In Young grandparent bestfriend. They always meet each other and always play together. Hyunseong was the one that teach In Young basketball. Since then, In Young and Hyunseong always be together. They went to school and came back from school together. Even if one of them has to stay late, they will wait for each other. Hyunseong was older than In Young 2 years, so he always took good care of In Young like his own little sister since he never had one.


Youngmin(Boyfriend), Woo young(2PM), Suzy(Miss A), Soyu(SISTAR) and Onew(SHINee)


Hyunseong. To In Young Hyunseong was the best basketball player that she ever meet. Example, when they play basketball together. They always will try do 3 point shoot. Hyunseong can do it for 5 in row while In Young can only do 3 or 4 in row. She hardly manage to do 5 in row. But when she see Hyunseong, he just do it like it really easy thing for him. In Young always want to beat him so that she can be as good as Hyunseong.


Club Information

Position: Vocal and Guitar / Sub-vocal and Main guitar

Club you want to join beside light-music: Basketball

Give me an idea for the band’s name: Lyra or Vena



  1.  Maybe Hyunseong love In Young. In Young have to choose between crush or bestfriend or
  2. In Young has weird feeling toward Minwoo. Since they doesn't have no blood relationship. Maybe they end up together?

That what in my mind. Advices......hmm.....never give up even if you have writer hard always pay off...Hwaiting!!!!!!!


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