FA1 Manager Application

user info ; ♥

username | siti_nktc

character info ; ♥

full name | Im In Ho
age | 22 years old
birthdate | 30/04/1989
blood type | O+
height |    185.4 cm
weight |  75.4 kg
ethnicity | Korean

appearance info ; ♥

personality |
In Ho is the type that want to be there for everyone. I am the guy that hardly say no to every wish that people ask me. I just has the feeling to make everyone feel happy. I also willingly behave like a crazy guy just to make that person happy again. Maybe I am 22 years old, but my behaviour can be like 5 years old boys when the time need me to be. Mostly I always being a sweet guy to everyone. (trying to captured everyone heart) I admit, that I have playboy personality. I do flirt with girls and boys using my sweet ways, but that only a habit of mine. It seem fun to see people face turn red. They look adorable. I always like to smile to everyone that I met, even to stranger. To me, smile can connect people other than music and talking. Why not we smile everyday, no need to get mad. It can make you look older than your real age. To me sad face doesn't suit everyone. I always hold to my principle which is hard work always pay off. Enough with my positive personality, now we will take a tour to my negative personality. I always the kind that easily to forget and easy to remember. (confuse?) I can remamber thing in just few minutes but I also can forget thing that not important in just a few hours. I the type that hold grudge towards other. You mess with me at first, okay. Second, still okay. Third, still quite okay. Fourth, you really wanna test my patience? Fifth, you should stop now. Sixth, BAM! Your live has reach the end of the world. I maybe sweet at outside. But inside there live a scary monster that can make you hurt in just blink of eyes. Sometimes I do sulk and the only way to persuade me is ice-cream. Buy it for me, I forgive you. Don't be scare of me, I'm NOT that scary. HAH! That what what want you to think when you not close with me. When you close with me, I can be your best friend ever and your worst monster enemy that you ever met. So don't try to mess with my friends and my family. You can mess with me but not them. Once you do that, there is no turn point for you to turn back. I'm a HAPPY person that like to be friend with everyone. Cry? I forget about that, I do cry but only when I watch romantic film that has sad in it. Don't expect that right? Just kidding, I only see those thing when I feel sad. Just want to cover my true sadness. So those film is just a ticket to get out from all question such as why you cry? What happen to you? Who make you cry? But don't tell anyone. It our little secret. So that all I know about myself. To tell you the truth, I also don't understand my personality. (HAHAHA) Everybody not perfect right? Oh! Before that I forgot to mention, that I am a polite guy to everyone. Thank you for spending your time hearing me talking about my personality.
likes |
~Ice-cream(my first priority)
~Sad and scary film
~Seing people shy or blush(mostly I like seing guy in that condition)
~Writing random things
~MP3(can't live without them)
~My Ipad
~Perfume( sweet smell)
dislikes |
~Someone talking behind my back
~People mess with my family or friends
~Bad hair day
~Being the last person
~Stuck with traffic jam
~Alcohol(I'm 22 but I don't drink. NEVER)
~Pressure/ stress(It can ruin my happy mood)
~Nothing to do for the day
is there a member you want to be close with more than the others, if so who? |
Hmmm. Anyone can be close with me. I fine with anyone. But deep in my heart, I kind of has interest at JinHae. Well I do has interest to other too. Let me tell the truth why I want to be close with him. It because he is smaller than me. He like a doll that I want to put in my pocket and bring him with me to anywhere I go. And because I know he is Sang  Hyun best friend. Why? Because I want to snatch his best friend. Okay.I'm just kidding. Jeez, don't be so serious. It because Sang Hyun seem like my little brother but he not with me. He with my grandparent at US. His can't come back until he fully recover from brain cancer. He can be treat here, but they want the best for him. So I can't do anything. Whatever, they just pissed me off. Trying to keep my brother from me. Just forget about it. I just want to close with the most small person in the group just to protect him. SInce he has disadvantage.
impress me - tell me why I should pick you as the manager? |
Well, I am a hard working guy that can give 200 percent in my work. I also can easily get along with those kids. I can be like their brother and their motherly father. I can make sure every inch of them are perfect. No flaws even that big as dust can be seen by fans. I can make sure that they follows all the rule that been provide by company. I also can make them well known more by the fans. Should I say this, oh well maybe I should. If you don't know, my uncle was a quite famous PD in variety show. He has involve in Happy Together and also Star King. So maybe I can get any of them or maybe all of them in those show. Try think about it. They can be famous rookie.
Did you read all my rules? |
Absolutely read it. UKISS501


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